The Fight

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Ashton: 4

Luke: 3

The boys have their first fight.


"Boooys, cookies are done!" Liz called. She took the cookies out of the oven and set them on the counter. "When they are cool, you may each have one."

"Mommy," Luke pouted. "Why say cookie is done, when have to wait for cool? Not done if have to wait."

"Yeah, not good to lie." Ashton shook his head.

Liz smiled and rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry, they will be ready in a few minutes. Why don't you to get back to Play Doh?"

"Was making sun!" Luke ran back to the table. "Need more blue for sun!"

"But the sun isn't-...okay." She got out another can of blue Play Doh for him. "And what are you making, Ashton?"

"Dunno yet." Ashton poked out his tongue as he mixed green, yellow and purple together. "Mebbe a Merry Christmas day tree."

"Oh, festive." She left them to it and joined all the neighbors outside for the barbeque.

After a while, Luke spoke up. "Lukey wants cookie." He whined, looking at them. "Needs cookie."

"Canoot have." Ashton shook his head. "Too hot. Will burn my Lukey."

Luke looked ready to burst into tears.

Ashton sighed. "Okay, will check to see if cool. Wash hands first."

They got down from the chairs and went to the bathroom to wash the Play Doh off their fingers, before running back to the kitchen.

Ashton pulled a chair over and Luke got on top of it so they could reach the cookies.

Luke gasped suddenly. "Cookies are all gone!"

"Someome taked dem?" Ashton frowned.

Luke narrowed his eyes. "Dis not okay. Dis. Not. Okay. Dis not okay!"

"Lu, calm." Ashton pleaded as Luke jumped off. "Are just cookies, can make more."

"Someone taked all da cookies!" Luke shouted. "Not nice to taked!"

"Ashy knows not nice, but Lukey-"

"Ashy knows? Ashy taked da cookies?" Luke asked suspiciously.

"What?" Ashton exclaimed. "Nu!"

"Ashon taked all the cookies away from Lu!" Luke screamed. "Ashon is big meanie!"

"No!" Ashton cried. "Ashy taked no cookies!"

"Bad Ashon!" Luke scolded. "Get spanks!"

"No! No want spanks! Didn't take cookies!" Ashton wailed, sitting down so Luke couldn't spank him.

"Boys! Whats all the shouting?" Liz asked, coming back inside.

"Ashon taked all da cookies away!" Luke yelled. "Is big meanie and needs spanks!"

"No no no no no." Ashton cried. "Dunno where cookies went! Didn't taked!"

"Oh Luke, I brought the cookies out for the guests. I saved you two some though, don't worry."

Luke stopped. "Mommy taked? Not Ashy?"

"Not Ashy." Liz said. "I'll bring you two your cookies and Luke, you need to apologize to Ashton."

Luke faced Ashton shyly. "Hey...."

Ashton sniffed. "Luke yelled at his Ashy, hurted his Ashy."

Luke gasped. "Lukey hurted? No no no! Lukey sorry! Lukey so sorry! Lukey loves his Ashy!" He wrapped his arms around Ashton. "Ashy can have Lukeys cookie."

"Well...okay." Ashton beamed.

Liz returned and gave them each their cookies. "All better now?"

Luke gave his cookie to Ashton. "All better." He smiled.

Ashton smiled back and kissed Lukes cheek. "Better."

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