Chapter 5

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"Erm, ugh! What do you want?" Cindy grumbled and annoyed.

"Hey miss Fuentes! Its me Niall. Niall Horan!" The irish lad said with a cheerful voice.

"Oh, hey mr whats the update about my job?" Cindy said in a questioning tone.

"Thats what i call you about this morning cindy! And mrs.Hemmings said that can go to their house now morning to have a talk with her...around 10 in the morning?"

"Oh okay sir." Cindy looked at her clock at its already 9:36 am. Fuck, 'why time is so fucking fast?' Cindy thought to her self.

" its settled, im just gonna text you the address and you can go there okay?" Niall said.

"Okay mr Horan..and thanks for the help, its mean so much to me, thanks again!" The she pressed the end call on her phone.

She quickly sprinted on her bathroom to have a bath. She quickly stripped off her pj's that she used last night, of course. She grabbed her shampoo with the scent of strawberries, and she soaped her body, and lastly she rinsed her body and wrapped herself in a towel and walked over to her closet. Cindy doesnt even know what she will wear, weather would be casual or a fancy dress. Then she finally picked out a skinny jeans and a tee-shirt with a print on it 'Go Fuck Yourself' and straightend her hair and she put on some light make-up such as mascara, eyeliner, lipstick and her concealer. She reviewed herself in her mirror, 'wow, god i look like a fucking zombie' she thought herself...unfortunately cindy likes to talk to her self, when people always noticed her like that, well she doesnt give a single fuck about what people are saying about her.

She finally put on her black vans and headed to downstairs to the front door of her apartment. She finally received a text from Mr Horan and the address of the Hemmings Residence. She sighed and make her way to the bus station. And finally the bus stopped at her direction and she quickly hoped in, and took her seat beside a guy with a black hair and his headphones on.

"Why hello there Miss Cindy".

Cindy quickly turned her heard towards the guys direction. And it.was.Michael. fuck he changed his hair color? Cindy thought. And he's so hot by the way.

"Oh..erm h-h-hi Michael!" She said with a fake smile.

"So? Where are you going this morning?" Michael asked her.

"Oh im going to apply for my new job today" she said feeling nervously concious.

"Well what kind of job?" The aussie lad asked.

"A Maid," cindy looked down at her lap and fiddling with her fingers because of embarrasement.

[A/N: hello/hii! Quick update XD sorry its so short . promise i'll make it up to you guys on the next chapter mwuah xx]


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2015 ⏰

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