🐚Free day🐚

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Neteyam pov-
I wake up to the sun still rising as I adjust my eyes I realise I fell asleep with rotxo on the beach I'm gonna be so dead I look down to see rotxo peacefully sleeping but I have to ruin that I shake him awake and he starts to open his eyes "rotxo get up we fell asleep" "oh shit" "yeah" I say sarcasticly "bye rotxo" I say as I walk away leaving him sitting in the sand I make my way to the marui sneaking in I hope no one noticed how I snuck out in the middle of the night luckily no one was awake so I just went to my room and sat there I look through my stuff for my weaving supplies to make something for lo'ak as an apology as soon as I decided what I was gonna make I went back out side to collect shells from the shore as soon as I found the ones I wanted I hurried back inside to put the anklet together
43 minutes later...
I finally finished it so I sat it on a blanket on my bed and right when I did that tuk came in my room to probably wake me up but I was obviously already awake "oh you're already awake" "yes tuk tuk I am" "do you wanna come outside and build a sandcastle with me" "of course tuk" she takes my hand and leads me outside to a certain area of the shore "ok I'm gonna make the base then you help decorate" "ok tuk" she starts to make the base and I just smile watching her knowing she's at least not sad like me from missing home everything was fine until "slut!" someone yells over to me and it was a group of girls and boys combined my smile faded quickly I always used to be made fun of because of my body being too girly and not 'manly' I look back at tuk and she's not there I look around and see her at the group of people and they start to underestimate her of being weak and tuk hates that back at home she was getting picked on by a group of older boys and she beat them up so then we all knew that's what she hates and things were about to get bad even if she's just ten "hey leave my brother alone!" "your brother a slut" "what" Another girl responded this time " a S.L.U.T" she spells it out "I heard you the first time bitch" tuk said as she punched her square in the face honestly deserved

Someone then slapped her and that's what triggered me I walk up to the guy that slapped her and kicked him then punched him he tried to punch me back but I doged it "stop trying to beat up my brother ugly!" tuk said as she kicked him in the nuts great job tuk he fell to his knees and everyone came beside him and tuk said, "my job here is done" she says while rubbing her hands together "no one messes with my big bro" she says as she smiles "did he slap you hard tuk?" I ask her "yes but they were talking shit about you" where did tuk learn all these words... Right lo'ak "I'm proud of you tuk" at this point I didn't even care she beat up a guy eight years older than her "let's go back to decorate the sand castle!" "ok tuk tuk" we go back and collect shells for the sand castle and put them on it "it's so pretty right neteyam!" "yes tuk tuk I see" "it's pretty like you" I hear I deeper voice now I know that is not tuk I turn around to see aonung "well bye neteyam I have to go see mom she might be worried" she quickly runs away

Tuk pov- of course I didn't have to go it was all apart of the plan they would honestly be cute together

Neteyam pov-
"Hi pretty boy" aonung said "hi aonung" I said as I blushed I already knew tuk didn't have to go she just wants to leave me here with HIM it's all apart of her plan "do you wanna come with me to go fishing?" aonung asks me "sure" he takes me somewhere else to fish and he gives me a net
26 minutes later
I groan from annoyance because I can't catch anything because I don't know how to use it I thought it would be easy "do you need help pretty boy" I just shake my head yes he goes behind me and guides my hand this whole time I was blushing because my ass was pressed up on his d!ck
Wow what a great situation to be in "you alright forest boy" aonung said with a smirk
This asshole knew what he was doing. I just hum in response

I let him finish explaining it and he goes back to what he was doing revealing my flushed face
30 minutes later...
I ended up catching 27 fish and aonung caught 89 and he teased me the whole way back to give them to his mother "I have to go now teyam but I'll see you later" "ok aonung" I smiled as he walked away "HEY SLUT!" my smile faded and I turned where the voice came from

It was the same girls from earlier I wasn't even sad at the name I was just mad "what do you guys want" I say with a disgusted look on my face "We just wanted to tell you that aonungs mine and I'm gonna be his tsahik" she said with a smirk on her face "so back off" what a pick me "hmm I don't really want to so no" I walk away and her face was priceless
Tuk beat up those bitches 🦅🦅🦅 deserved

It was the same girls from earlier I wasn't even sad at the name I was just mad "what do you guys want" I say with a disgusted look on my face "We just wanted to tell you that aonungs mine and I'm gonna be his tsahik" she said with a smirk on her ...

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Aw word count-998 🫶🏽

Pretty boy - Aonung x Neteyam Where stories live. Discover now