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I'm so sick rn my nose won't stop running 😡🧍🏾‍♀️
3rd POV-
It had been atleast a week since neteyams gone missing
The cheifs family, the sullys, even the clan had no hope
The search was actually ended and neteyam was announced as dead.

Everyone seemed depressed except unipe she seemed even happier before but who knew..

Neteyam POV-
I've haven't seen jinzuk since he left, I really don't care where he went I just wanna go back home
My wrist and ankles were bruised due to how tight they were tied.

I started to hear barking I looked to the direction I heard it "omi!" omi was trapped in a cage a metal cage like the ones I've seen sky people trap animals in.. How did jinzuk even manage to get that
I couldn't help omi and he just looked hurt and sad
'I need to find away to get out of here..'

I started to call my ikran, the branches on the trees started to shake as my ikran landed right next to me
"Seze!" she was named after my mom's original ikran "seze could you please help me" I looked at the ropes holding me signaling them to her

She started to naw on the ropes cutting them so I could get out "thank you" I walked slowly up to seze and put my forehead to hers but it just hurt to walk I felt so weak I could pass out again but I had to push through

I started to walk to where omi was 'the cage is open' the cage was open at the top so I could just grab him
"Damn I forgot how chunky and heavy you were" omi just barked happily "shhh omi if he's here somewhere we could get caught" I put a finger to his little mouth (I'm sorry but omi is just so cute I might explode 😍🫶🏾)

I walked towards seze holding omi with my right arm "think you could give us a ride girl?" I just smiled softly and she nodded

I hopped on her back and put omi in the front of me strapping him on he just barked
I let out my call for her to fly

Of course it wasn't going to be long to get to the village there was no way he could get far knowing there was no other islands

So I just turned right and flew straight and about it maybe 6-8 minutes I saw the village and landed about where we had first landed where we came here at first

I unstraped omi off seze and put him on the ground a bunch of people sorounded me (sorry if I spelled that wrong) but I was feeling really light headed and dizzy and just blacked out....

Aounung POV -
"Move, move!" I said as I tried to get through the crowd, when I finally got to the front I saw an omaticaya
And immediately guessed it was neteyam "neteyam!"
Cliff hanger bc I'm tired and wanna play royale high🌚

Aounung POV - "Move, move!" I said as I tried to get through the crowd, when I finally got to the front I saw an omaticaya And immediately guessed it was neteyam "neteyam!" -----------------------------------------------------------------Cliff han...

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word count - 512 words🫶🏾

Pretty boy - Aonung x Neteyam Where stories live. Discover now