109. A Family Meeting 🤗

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"Who would like to start first?" Zell asked as he sat at the head of the dining room table.

Cathy sat on his right and Zack sat on his left. Zeke sat next to Zack. Monica sat next to Cathy and I sat next to Monica. I looked at everyone at the table. They all looked well-rested. I know I got a few hours in myself. So much so that I ended up missing A.B.'s call. He did text me that he hoped I was getting some rest. I messaged him back before coming to this meeting.

"I'll start," Zack replied. "First, Zeke's old assistant Jaylei is the connection to the start of all this. She worked at RiSe Records for Anaya and had a relationship with Ricky. While she was Zeke's assistant, she was still working for them. Plus, I know that Anaya hired Jaylei to follow me a few times."

"Do you have any proof?" Zell asked his oldest son.

"No. That's why I went to Ricky's New Year's party to see if Anaya would admit to anything. Unfortunately, I didn't see her. After Jae left, Aja finished performing and I left, too."

Cathy said, "Do you have a recording of what happened at the party?"

Zack nodded his head. "It helps Jae's case. Not mine."

Monica spoke up, "Sounds like two cases so far."

"I talked to Deonte," Zeke continued, "He said the security team was asking him and his guards a lot of questions before letting them in the party."

"That was when those two girls were telling us about the NDA we had to sign," Monica said to me.

"What NDA?" Everyone asked.

Monica looked around at everyone. "Everyone had to sign an NDA in order to enter, and no one was allowed to bring their phones inside."

"What girls? Nobody told me that," Zack stated.

I arched my brow. "The two girls at the second set of doors."

"After security, I walked inside the house with nobody else stopping me," Zack told us.

I asked Zeke, "Did Deonte mention the two girls or having to sign an NDA?"

Zeke answered, "No. He just said by the time they got in the party, you were already on stage."

"Do you have copies of the NDA?" Zell asked me.

"I had them sent to my fake email," Monica informed him.

Zack shook his head. "It was a setup. Either Anaya or Ricky or both of them set Jae up or--"

Zeke interrupted his brother, "I agree with Zack. It was a setup. I kept watching that viral video clip, and the person was recording with one hand. Their other hand came into view, and I finally realized where I seen the ring on their finger... It's Ricky's hand. He filmed it and had someone else share it online." Zeke stared at me. "I apologize for not being there, Jamie. I apologize for how you been feeling since your song was stolen. I should've taken it all more seriously."

"Zeke, It's okay. I started to understand you more, actually. You were just making sure my career didn't turn into a gimmick or get out-shined by the drama."

"It's not okay," Zeke told me. "And Dad, I apologize to you. If I would've been honest with you about how much I wanted to do my own thing in the music industry without you and Zack's involvement, none of this would've happened. I thought I could trust Ricky."

Zell pointed at his son. "I accept your apology. In the future, I want you to be upfront with me. You, too, Zack. You are my sons, my flesh and blood. This industry, business, fame, money - never comes before you. Never." Zell took his wife's hand in his hand. "Your mother and I love what we do, but we love you more."

Zack and Zeke nodded their heads.

"What about me?" Monica smiled at Zell.

Everyone laughed.

Zell said, "Mon, you are amazing. I couldn't have handpicked a better person for my son. I just know that Zeke has become a better man because of you."

Cathy nodded her head in agreement.

Monica shook her head. "Nope. Y'all will not butter me up. I don't cook, clean, wash, garden, babysit - none of that."

I nudged my cousin. She was trying to lighten the mood, and I was glad for her presence. 

"Is there anything that you want to add, my new favorite singer?" Zell asked me.

"A lot, but in short... I've been threatened by Ricky that my career would be brought to an end if I did not perform at his New Year's Eve party, and he even made me feel uncomfortable by getting close to me and taking off my hat and sunglasses."

Zeke spoke, "You didn't tell me that. When was this?"

"Baby, let my cousin finish," Monica told her boyfriend.

I added, "Anaya has talked to me like I wasn't a person, like I was nothing. Jaylei, like Zack said, worked for Anaya and Ricky. She even stole my song and sold it to them which they were aware that it was my song. They handed it over to Aja to sing, but Zeke made sure I was singing on it, too. Aja pretended to be a cool person, made me feel sorry for her when that sex tape came out, but she soon turned on me. She took another song opportunity from me, and then tripped me last night in front of everyone. I hate the music industry with every fiber in me. I love to write songs and sing, but the games, the politics, the inhumane treatment is unbearable for me. It hasn't even been a whole year since I signed my record deal." 

I took a deep breath. I was not going to cry about this anymore. "I know y'all are established and you may even enjoy what you do, but it's not for me. Please don't try to talk me out of this. I'm just finally speaking up about how I feel and what I want. I know myself enough to know that if I stay in this thing, I will lose my mind or what I have left of it. Zeke, I know you worked hard to get me that deal, and I promised you that I would finish the two years, but I'm not built for this. I've reached my breaking point."

Zeke nodded his head.

Monica grabbed my hand and leaned her head on my shoulder.

"And Zack, I know that you have a recording of everything that happened, but you have to delete the part with Monica in it. No one knows who she is, and I want it to stay that way until this all goes away."

"I got you," Zack told me.

Cathy added, "We all do. I think this is a good stopping point. We can pick this back up next week with our lawyers."

Zell said, "Before everyone goes to get dressed, I just wanted to say that you all should be proud of yourselves. You're handling all of this with maturity and reason - in ways I know for sure I would not have if I were younger and in your shoes. If those security guards would've touch my wife--"

Zeke scoffed, "They're getting sued for sure. Next year is going to be hell for RiSe Records and the Santanas."

"Jae... Jamie, don't end this year thinking about anything from last night and before that's given you this negative outlook. As much as I would love for you to sing forever, I know the importance of mental health. I wish a lot more individuals in the business would take care of their mental instead of turning to the easy things and not reaching out for help. Now that everything is out, I don't want to see you go back home trying to figure out what to do next. If you love to write music, we're gonna make sure the ink in your pen never runs dry. You follow me?" Zell inquired.

"Yes." That definitely brought a smile to my face.

Zell stood to his feet. "The official party to kick-off the New Year will start at ten o'clock. The caterer and decorators will be here in a few minutes to set up everything for us. Put on your best attire, because your mom hired a photographer. I'll see y'all in a few."

Everyone left the table. Monica gave me a tight hug. "You made me realize how selfish I was being, cousin. I'm sorry for trying to motivate you to stay where you don't want to be."

I smiled, "I love you, Monica."

"I love you, too, Jamie."

Now that's what family is for. 

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