Chapter 1 *the beginning*

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*warning* this chapter has harsh language, read at your own risk. enjoy

_-date: wed June 16th 2021-_

The story begins with a girl named Jenna Chrysta, a descendant of the great Izanami Chrysta. Jenna is a beautiful and strong young girl who'll strike fear into their enemies' eyes, but she also has a gentle heart, she loves just roaming around the castle, singing and dancing about but her shyness gets the best of her when she is spotted or heard by other people.

Today Jenna was about to turn sixteen and become crowned princess of Chrystalia, everyone in the kingdom was bustling about to get ready for the celebration. Kids were playing and making paper decorations for decorating the streets. The adults were cooking and setting up the kingdom square for the ceremony, And everyone was having fun doing everything.

But on the day of the ceremony, a villain named Madame Akujin attacked the castle and planned to take it over. But the only way she could think of to do that was to kill the royals so that's the first thing she planned to do.

"Well, is everything in order?"

"Yes Mother."

"Very well, begin phase one."

"Yes, Mother."

Madam Akujin and her daughter, Princess Akujin stormed the palace. Akujin only had one thing on her mind, kill the royals. Jenna and her mom had no clue what was happening until Akujin burst through the door.

"Hello, did you miss me?" Madam Akujin purred.

"How did you-" the Queen was interrupted.

"How I'm here isn't important, it's more why I'm here that should be on your mind."

The Queen's eyes widened in realization.

"No, I won't let you-"

In one swift move, Akujin stabs the queen in her right arm.

"Mom!" Jenna screamed.

Princess Akujin whirled around in shock, grabbing Jenna by the wrist. "Where do you think you're going?" She demanded.

"I think it's time you and I have some fun." Princess Akujin hissed while pulling Jenna close to her face. "I hear your fighting skills are pretty good. Let's see just how good they are." She growled as she dragged Jenna out to the hall.

~ after a while of fighting

Princess Akujin pins Jenna to the wall.

"You put up a good fight Princess."

"You as well." Princess Akujin and Jenna both breathing heavily.

Jenna looked into the princess's eyes, they stared at each other waiting to see who would make the next move. Princess Akujin's eyes started to turn from their sparkling emerald green to an almost black-onyx gray.

"Huh!?" Jenna gasped.

It's almost as if a spell was releasing control. Her grip loosened and her eyes teared up, almost as if she was going to cry.

"Help me," Akujin said in a soft, weak tone.

Jenna slipped away just before the princess's eyes turned back to green.

"Huh!?" Princess Akujin said in surprise. Jenna froze her hands on the wall.

"Dang it!" Princess Akujin screamed looking at her hands.

Jenna rushed down the hall to the room where her mom and Madame Akujin were. She flung the doors open in the hope her mom was okay.

What she saw was her worst fear come to pass. Her mom was pinned to the floor, with multiple stab wounds to her body, with burns all over her body that looked like they were from poison.

"MOM!" Jenna cried desperately.

"Stay back!" the Queen said weakly, raising a hand to try and halt her daughter.

"Listen to your mother dear, unless you want the same fate." Madam Akajin sneered.

"I'm going to kill you for this, you bitch!" Jenna yelled.

"Oh, so harsh, if only that would help you in this situation." The evil woman chuckled.

"Jenna, take this and run." the Queen said, throwing Jenna a locket. The girl caught it without thinking.

"NO!" Madam Akujin yelled.

All of a sudden, a portal opened up, as if the locket had torn a hole in reality, but she knew that was their mother using the last of her strength to see her to safety.

"Don't think you can get away," Princess Akujin says, bursting into the room.

The locket that Jenna is now holding started to shine a light blue.

"Get her!" yelled Madame Akujin furiously.

Princess Akujin ran to tackle Jenna but she quickly ran towards the portal, it was like the world was in slow motion as she stepped through the portal barely dodging Princess Akujin, to a whole new world that would lead to a crazy new adventure...


Editors note: Thank you to my friend who helped me rewrite this chapter and give it more detail, and Thank you for reading this story and I hope you all have a wonderful day/night 😊✌️

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