Work calls

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You wake up in a dark place again, but this time it doesn't look like Lucifer's office, it's darker. But you will still hear a voice that is familiar to you.

Lucifer: I didn't think it would come so soon but I'm going to have to take a few steps a one of your old friend s figured out how to get through a ritual to hell I need you to kill hem before it gets out of hand then you can go back to what you're doing

Y/n: Fuck, you know how to choose the right time

Lucifer: I know now get lost

Suddenly it got foggy and you were in the blitzø apartman

Y/n: Work calls

You sat up and saw the loon sleeping sweetly next to you

Y/n: I wish stay here with you but i nead go kill some MF for safety

You got up, put on your cloak, took the bag with the sniper rifle and opened the portal, but before that you wrote a message,

"I have to arrange something, I'll be back by the evening"

You went through the portal and appeared in your apartment you came to the table you threw things off it and put your bag there then you came to the bedroom and took your laptop from there

Y/n: whats my password hmmmm Pls I'm not that stupid i know that

You wrote the password and the laptop unlocked

(Password is password i nead make sure all understand LMAO)

Y/n: fuck ill change it later now i nead find that mf
Mason pov

You slowly opened my eyes and got up from the couch on which I didn't sleep very well

Mason: fuck my back hurts

You go to the kitchen and saw a piece of paper there and he read it

Mason: what the fuck are you doing mate dont get killed now again
Back to y/n

Y/n: ah nothing here maybe i find something in my last place but i nead get set up first

You opened his bag and pulled out a GLOCK 19 and M107 from his vest, which he had placed on the table

Y/n: I hope you doesn't spoil my next mission (You smiled at the gun)

You put on a vest, put the GLOCK in the sniper rifle holster on your back and head out to that place

Y/n: If I hadn't entered that portal, nothing would have happened, but if that were the case, I wouldn't meet such good friends again

You reached the building, you jumped through the window and saw that they didn't even try to clean up the dead bodies, there was nothing at first floor, but you remembered that during the last action you were in his office before you died

Y/n: How could they just leave everything here

You walked slowly through the dark corridors and reached a corridor that was familiar to you

Y/n: oh thats this coridor

You walked a little further and saw your mp5 and body in the distance

Y/n: an old acquaintance

You pushed your body away, holstered his GLOCK and picked up and dusted your weapon.You went further and reached the office, where you found a computer and some notebooks.On those notes, your entire crew was photographed and descriptions of them and a description of the ritual of how to get to hell

Y/n: fuck fuck i nead to tell that to Lucifer

From a distance you heard voices coming towards you, immediately you took the papers and put them in your bag, grabbed the usb, plugged it into your computer and started downloading data. At that, two men entered the room before they could remember and already had holes in their heads.It was 100% on the computer, you took out the USB and ran out there, you met another 7 gunmen, you took two shots, they didn't do anything to you

Y/n: You are done

They launched even more massive fire but it didn't do anything to you, they asked on the radio for reinforcements but you aimed and shot straight at her, disabling her

Y/n: Now it's my turn *you detonated the grenade*

Y/n: have fun *trow*

7 soldiers: fuck my life

You left the building and the light of the morning dawned and you quickly ran into the alley

Author: And we are at the end again after a long time, I hope you liked this part and especially the question to which I need an answer, what next book do you want me to write after this one

1: SCP 1471 story

2: Lost in light (backroom drama)

3: Special operation (short book A  that explains the events before this book)

4: Another helluva boss book (OctaviaxReader etc.)

5: Your idea (write in coment)

Choose carefully :)
Thanks for answer and have a nice day

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