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The rain slapping against long pains of glass was barely heard over the excited babbling coming from the TV. Perhaps that would have been a more comforting sound, but Wilbur knew he'd have hell to pay if he didn't listen to the broadcast..

"And here we present our newest Hero, HyperInnit!" People cheered as Tommy made stupid poses at the cameras.

Nope. Couldn't do it. Wilbur couldn't help but let out a scoff as he rolled his eyes and turned off the TV. He'd choose the rain over this any day.

Tommy such a show off! And the costume looked stupid! Why did Wilbur have to be the only person in his family without powers?!

Maybe if he had an alternate hero personality like Phil or Techno he might have been invited to his own brother's ceremony, but no.

He was stuck in their penthouse with stupid bodyguards patrolling the hallways because his own father didn't believe he was capable of looking after himself.

But Tommy - a literal child - was allowed to go out and fight bad guys just because he was slightly faster than the average human? Unfair!

The kid was so ungrateful! The moment he got his powers, Tommy was favored over Wilbur.

Wilbur was swinging on the swingset in the acres of backyard in their old house, watching Tommy run closer towards him.

"Wilby, can we play tag?" Tommy asked, bouncing around in the air.

"Sure, Tommy."

Tommy's face lit up, "tag! You're it!" Tommy started running, but Wilbur easily tagged the child.

Everytime Tommy caught up to Wilbur and tagged him, Wilbur would immediately tag him back.

"No fair!" Tommy moaned, pouting as he slouched down.

"All is fair, Toms. Tag!" Wilbur ran, but Tommy turned into a blur that immediately caught up to him.

Wilbur's eyes widened, "Tag!"That... wasn't normal.

"T-Tommy! You got your power!"

Techno looked up from his tree where he was reading. He looked down, impressed that the small child got his power before Wilbur.

Phil burst through the backyard door and grinned, "Holy smokes Tommy! You got power!" Phil ran up to Tommy and hugged him. "It seems all my sons have power!"

Wilbur looked confused, "Dad what about me? I still haven't gotten mine."

Phil glared at Wilbur, "Don't make Tommy's big day about yourself. Besides, if you haven't gotten your power now you probably won't ever get it. Don't worry, our bodyguards can protect you since you are too powerless to protect yourself." Tears swelled Wilbur's eyes.

"Fuck you Phil!" Wilbur cried out as he ran away to his room.

Wilbur sighed and dramatically flopped back onto the sofa, tears forming a little in his eyes. This was getting him nowhere. He rolled over.

He was invited to his brother's afterparty. That was something at least. It would undoubtedly be filled with stuck up snobs and rich guys that his father just wanted to show off his youngest son to, but a party was a party and there was sure to be alcohol there.

Perhaps a walk could clear his mind before then. Wilbur stared at the ceiling, trying to muster the strength to stand up. Eventually, he rolled off the comforting cushions and onto the hard, polished marble floor.

Wilbur stood and brushed off his brown checkered trousers. He may feel like a loser, and get treated like one, but that didn't mean he couldn't dress just like the rich, stuck-up snobs he resented.

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