2 // The Debut

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Wilbur paced around his room, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt, grabbing everything he needed and shoving it into his backpack. It wasn't his usual style, but it would have to do; a satchel would be too bulky. Today had to go perfectly or else he could easily get hurt, arrested, or... well... best not to think of worst case scenarios.

Wilbur bit his lip, groaning when the bitter taste of blood flooded his senses. Before he had time to dwell on it too much, there was a light knock at his door. He quickly slid the backpack under his bed and picked up a music score, pretending to be deep in thought.

"Come in." Techno walked through the door, ignoring the open draws and messy room.

"Dad is upset at you."

Wilbur rolled his eyes, "what now?"

"You skipped breakfast... again." Wilbur scrunched up the music to stop himself from rolling his eyes again.

"You mean the meal where all of you insult me for being powerless? Yeah, I think I'll pass."

Techno clenched his fists. Wilbur tried (and failed) to look like he hadn't noticed.

That's when Techno snapped.

"You should be grateful. We're only doing this to protect you. We all know how weak you are, I mean imagine where you'd be without us - you'd probably be dead by now! Let's face it, you're a powerless billionaire's son! Every villain in the city dreams of kidnapping you, or worse. Now imagine what would happen if they knew the rest of your family are heroes! As much as we all know you hate it, you need us."

Wilbur put down his music score.

"I mean this in the nicest way possible. Go fuck yourself, you pink haired bitch."

Techno moved in a flash, pinning Wilbur against the wall, anger clear in his eyes.


Sometimes pink haired fucks have to learn that words have meaning.

"Go fucking cry to Phil you privileged prick!" Wilbur gritted through his teeth.

"Wil? Techno?" Techno quickly let go of Wilbur as he heard Tommy, "What are you doing?"

"Just some fighting practice! Right Wilbur?" Wilbur hummed in agreement, weary of how Techno's fists were still clenched.

The only thing they both agreed on is that they wouldn't drag Tommy into their mutual hatred for one another, which often led to fights.

"Ok... well Techno, I wanted to ask you about that new move you did during our last mission. Do you think you could teach me?" Tommy's eyes were filled with admiration for Technoblade.

"Alright kid, let's talk about this somewhere else. You know how pissy Wilbur gets when we mention our powers." Wilbur gritted his teeth as they left.

No time for resentment! He quickly grabbed his backpack and put his voice changer inside.

It wasn't anything fancy, just an old one that he'd stolen from Techno. Wilbur thought it might have been his first one, and although he couldn't be sure, the thought made him smile. In a few days Techno will probably be devastated at the loss of such a "relic", as Phil liked to call them.

Wilbur found he had very little remorse about it as grabbed his suit.

He's spent weeks meticulously planning where to get the fabric from. If he stole it all from one place people might have gotten suspicious. It would all be worth it in the end, though, when he got to parade around in a designer suit looking better than his family. He knew how much style meant to Techno, and reputation to Phil.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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