Chapter 5

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"Sahi...? I'm Kana." I smile at the blue man who stands before me. This man saved my life from a demon and told me he is also a demon.

When I came to, I found myself lying on a futon in a home. From what Sahi has told me, I was asleep for three weeks, and he cared for me during that time.

"So...demons eat people...? Is that why my home was attacked?" I asked the man, who sat in the corner of the home. The light is shown through the cracks of the rundown abandoned building. The corner was dark as he sat there to avoid the sun.

He nodded. "Right."

"Then...why didn't you eat me?" He didn't respond for a while, silence taking over. "Thank you, sir, for saving my life." I smile at him. Being asleep for three weeks, I felt energy coursing through my veins. No pain or fatigue. Have my wounds healed? Either way, I stood up from the futon and walked over to the man.

He flinched slightly but let me touch his bright-colored hair. "You aren't scared of me?" He asked.

I giggle, shaking my head. "I like your hair...It's pink! How did it become like this?"

He stared at me with wide eyes. "...It changed after I became a demon..."

"So you were human once? Why become a demon?" Resting my arm from reach, I stare into his golden eyes.

He didn't answer that, either. "Go get some sun. You are all healed now, so you should be fine to walk around." He half demands. It sounded like he was annoyed, but I didn't notice.


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"Hmm? I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention." I say, snapping back to reality. My ears caught my crow's voice by my side just before my daydream ended.

The blackbird whines, getting annoyed at my absence in life. Akasuki flops her wings to stay in the air. "Kana, are you alright? You suddenly stopped in the middle of the road and blanked out." She says worriedly.

"Oh? I did?" I look around at my surroundings. Sure enough, I was standing in the middle of the road, crowds of people walking past me. Many of them gave me an odd look as I stood there. I look down at my shaking hands. Probably from a random memory of my past. "Well...this isn't good..."

"Should you go see the Insect Hashira?"

I turn towards the crow in shock. "I never even thought of that... Maybe I should." It was a good idea, too. I wonder why that idea never popped into my mind. It could be because I was stubborn to take care of it alone. Nobody knows about my past but me, after all. If I didn't go to someone for help, this could ruin my reputation as a Demon Slayer. As often as I blacked out by doing daily activities, I'm surprised it never occurred during my missions. I could quickly die by a Demon if that were to happen.

"Should what?"

I jump at the loud and familiar voice from behind me. Turning, I find Kyojuro standing there with his usual broad smile. He had his uniform on, just like me. I smiled up at my friend, relieved to see a familiar face.

"Flame Hashira! It is good to see you standing in my presence, healthy." Akasuki caws respectfully. Kyojuro nods at her in acknowledgment. "Kana, I must be going. Please be careful." Bowing again towards me, she flies off into the sky.

I turned back to my friend. "Kyojuro. It's good to see you."

"We saw each other yesterday!" He lets out a boisterous laugh. Seconds later, he had a severe expression, his fire eyes looking into my green ones. "Why was your crow so worried? Did something happen?"

Demon Slayer: The Nature HashiraWhere stories live. Discover now