- Pains Of Oldness

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"God, I fucking miss when these were something that just made omegas incredibly horny and want to mate." Richard groans, rolling over onto his side on the bed, curling in on himself.

Lizzy sighs, sitting down next to him, rubbing a hand around his back soothingly. She doesn't like to see him like this, but unfortunately it's just a part of getting older. Omega's heats evolve from making them incredibly horny and wanting to mate, to sometimes painful cramping and nausea, amongst other things. And unfortunately, ever since Richard's heats have changed, it seems he's been given the short end of the stick, and more often than not, he ends up with very bad cramping. Sometimes it's so bad that he can't even get out of bed.

His chronic migraines, a lasting effect from the dragster crash, and from when he had rolled that little Suzuki van many years ago during a Top Gear challenge from before she both started working and got with them certainly doesn't help. Just adds to the pain.

"Well you are 53 now, and that's just what happens when you get older." Lizzy says.

"I know, and I don't like it." Richard grumbles, before letting out a whine at the pain. "You, James, and Jeremy are lucky you don't have to deal with this shit."

Yeah, Lizzy does consider herself lucky that she's an alpha, not an omega so she doesn't have to deal with any of what Richard's having to go through, and she's certain that James and Jeremy feel the exact same way. And all three of them would do anything to take away all the pain Richard is going through right now.

They don't like to see Richard hurt at all.

"Is there anything you want me to get for you?" Lizzy asks. "Want me to make you anything to eat?"

"A heat pack will do, I think." Richard sighs, rolling over to face her. "Don't think I can keep anything down if I try to eat something."

Nodding, Lizzy leans down to place a soft kiss on his forehead, before she's getting up to retrieve Richard's heat pack from the cupboard to heat up in the microwave for him.

"How is he?" James asks, from his spot at the kitchen table, his laptop in front of him and a mug of tea in hand, as Lizzy makes her way downstairs and into the kitchen.

She sighs, shaking her head. "As you'd expect." She says as she goes about heating up the heat pack for Richard. "In pain now that his heats have changed, and there's not much any of us can do about it."

They all wish that there was something that they could do to help more than what they're already doing. If there was a way to relieve him of all this pain, then they would do it. And unfortunately most of the medication available that's supposed to help older omegas going through this doesn't really have any effect on Richard. Or maybe they've just not tried the right medication. But other than him potentially getting a hysterectomy, which quite honestly he's been considering doing for awhile now since he's too old to have anymore kids at this point (not that they actually want or need anymore kids in the first place, their pack of eight is more than enough), there's not much that they can do.

"Where's Jeremy?" She asks, not seeing the older alpha anywhere.

"He said he was going down to the farm shop after dropping the kids off at school." James says.

She nods, not surprised to hear that Jeremy's stopped off at the farm shop for a bit after dropping the younger kids off at school. Although, she hopes he won't be there for too long. No doubt Richard will want to see him, considering it does help him a lot if they're all home with him during his heats. Especially these heats. Jeremy in particular for some reason, which Lizzy thinks might be due to the size difference between the two. Because while he won't actually say anything about it out loud, Richard sure seems to love how much taller and larger than him Jeremy is.

"Will he be gone for long?" She asks, grabbing the heat pack out of the microwave once it's at a suitable temperature for Richard. "I suspect Richard will be asking for him at some point."

James shakes his head. "Think he was just going to check on how things were going." He says. "Make sure the twins are doing okay with running the shop themselves."

That makes sense, and Lizzy knows that two of their oldest kids, Hollie and Keira, had decided that they want to take on some shifts at the shop. And considering they've not been working there for very long, it's only natural that Jeremy would want to go check up on them and see how they're doing.

"Alright." Lizzy nods, grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge to take up to Richard along with the heat pack. "I'm going to go back upstairs to Richard."

"I'll be up in a bit too." James says. "Just got to finish up a few things first."

Lizzy smiles, leaning down to give James a quick kiss. "Sounds good." She says. "I'll let Richard know that you'll be coming up in a bit."

With that, she's making her way back upstairs and into the bedroom, where Richard is still lying in the exact same position that she had left him in. And unfortunately, he still looks like he's in a lot of pain. Which Lizzy really doesn't like to see.

"Here." She says, handing the heat pack and the bottle of water to Richard, who gratefully takes both and sets the heat pack down on his abdomen.

Richard sighs, seemingly getting some relief from the pack, but he still looks utterly miserable. "Thanks, Elyza."

Lizzy smiles, sitting down next to him as she runs her fingers through his hair. "You're welcome, Rich." She says. "James said he'll be up in a bit. He's just got to finish up a few things first."

"Good." Richard says, seemingly satisfied with the fact that their beta will be upstairs soon. "What about Jezza?"

"James said he's gone to the farm shop after dropping the kids off at school." She says. "Guess he wants to make sure the twins are doing okay running the shop. But he should be back soon."

She's fairly certain that Jeremy won't be too far away now, considering their farm shop is only just down the road. However, it really depends on if there's any Top Gear or the Grand Tour fans out that have ventured to the farm shop. Because if there's any fans out there, which in all likelihood there will be, Jeremy might be a bit delayed in returning home. Then it also depends on how the twins are getting on running the shop by themselves.

"Is there anything else you want me to get for you?" She asks.

A small blush forms on Richard's cheeks at the question, and he reaches a hand out to grab her. "Just... cuddle me? Please?" He asks. "I just need you to be close to me right now."

And Lizzy can't say no to that request, as she gets under the blankets next to Richard, pulling her omega close to her as he snuggles up against her.

"This better?" She asks, rubbing a hand around his back soothingly, as he just nods, burying his head in her chest.

She's not sure for how long they stay like this until James is joining them on Richard's otherside. Which causes Richard to let out a content sigh at being surrounded by his beta and young alpha. Even his dog, Blea follows in behind James, where she curls up on the far end of the bed, watching over them.

Then finally, by the time Jeremy finally gets home and joins the three of them in bed behind James, Richard has already fallen fast asleep, but stirs awake slightly. But it doesn't take him very long to get settled once more and fall right back to sleep, now surrounded by all three of his mates, safe, warm, and content.

Even if he is still suffering from his heat pains. But at least now with having both his alphas and his beta here with him, it makes him feel much better than he did before.

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