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Recap(3rd person)
After one of Zoro's fights with Kuina, he went out back behind the dojo and stayed there criticizing himself over not being able to defeat her. Little did he know that someone saw everything.

evie's pov

Seeing Zoro talk about himself like that made me mad and sad at the same time. Zoro was one of the most skilled swordsmen I knew and he was beating himself up over not being able to defeat one person! He's even taken my spot as second best swordsmen in the village.

time skip 

I was on the ground next to my sister listening to her rant about Father and what he said to her when I heard the sound of someone running.

 We both turned our heads to see a boy with moss colored hair.(that's the best way i can describe it) "Zoro?" I questioned " It's late out, what are you two doing?" he replied "I was gonna ask you the same thing" my sister replied for the both of us

Zoro walked closer to us "I'm here to challenge you to your 2,001st fight, and it's gonna be the last fight we ever have. This ends tonight, fight me with a real sword." My sister looked up at him

"Real swords?" she asked "your on!" All three of us walked to an old storehouse filled with old boxes, I opened the door to see a Katana on a stand at the very back.

Kuina walked over and picked it up whispering something while unsheathing it

we all walked out into a clearing under the dark blue sky with the full moon shining just enough light to see clearly. Zoro and Kuina stood a few meters apart from each other, swords in hand.

Suddenly Zoro ran up to Kuina yelling, swinging his sword at her. They went back and forth swinging swords at each other for a while until Zoro started panting.

"two real swords are heavier than you thought huh? See, you still lack strength!"

"Shut up" he shouted at her. Kuina started running towards him and slashed her katana upwards, then stabbed it into the ground

Zoro started sobbing on the ground as I ran up to him "This sucks! I hate it!" he said through tears

"I'm the one who should be crying out of frustration, not you." my sister spoke up "When girls grow up it's natural for us to develop into physically weaker beings than men. Even you will catch up to me. I've always heard you say that I'm going to be the worlds greatest swordsmen. When I told my Father the same thing, he said I could never be that."

"And I know that! It's just so frustrating! And the same goes for you evie." She looked at me in the eyes "Neither of us could be the worlds greatest swordsmen"

At this point Zoro and I were standing up next to each other 

"Don't whine like that, after you beat me! It's not fair!" Zoro said angrily to the both of us

"You two are my goals! Promise me that one of us will become the worlds greatest swordsmen! We'll compete and see who gets there!" "Alright" I said "lets do it!" 

3rd person pov

for the next few days the three of them trained every second of the day. But one day when Zoro was training alone 3 of the boys from his dojo walked up to him. Horror painted on their faces they ended up telling Zoro that Kuina had sadly died.

Days later at the funeral he found out that she had died slipping on the stairs to the old storehouse. Of course Y/n was completely broken, her sister and best friend had just died.

The night of the funeral she had packed all of her things and was about to leave, after all she didn't have much left in that small village.

On her way out she saw a boy running towards her, he reached the small boat she was getting on, and engulfed her in a hug. " One of us will still be the worlds best swordsmen right?" he said through tears

"Of course!" she said back to him. He ran back to the small village leaving evie alone on the dock

Omg!!! I'm so sorry it took me this long to get a chapter out! i was grounded for a bit and then i can just blame the rest on laziness!!!but here it is! i think its pretty good overall!!

word count: 735

~Childhood Friends~ (roronoa zoro x reader) Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now