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I didn't get much sleep last night because I couldn't stop thinking about Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo, but I did this for them, to let Tommy have the discs after everything he went through to get the discs but failed almost every time. I wanted to know what they were doing. They probably want nothing to do with me anymore after my dick of a brother decided to say that we were related. But I decided to get up from my bed and do something, I don't exactly know what, but I'll figure out something. 

When I got out of bed I was limping, I saw it coming after spraining my ankle yesterday. As I left my so called home for now, Dream walked through the portal. Perfect timing Dream, Perfect timing. 

"Hello there Dream" I said with a sarcastic smile.

"Hello, Y/n, you already know the drill from yesterday" Dream replied walking over to me digging a hole in the ground with no emotion. 

"Nah, I thought I didn't know the drill" I said with a sarcastic tone, trying not to laugh.

"Y/n hurry up, and remember NO sarcasm" Dream said looking at me with once again, no emotion or expression on his face.

"Ever heard of something called patience because it's something you don't have" I said trying even harder not to laugh (Which I failed to do). Once I had calmed down and stopped laughing, I put my items in the hole in the ground, this time prepared for the explosion.

"Y/n you do realise that each action you have done so far has its own consequences, I've just gone easy on you for now since you haven't even been here for a week. You're starting to get out of hand so. we'll start now" Dream explained.

"And what would those consequences be?" I said raising my eyebrows and crossing my arms.

"Well take a seat, it'll be easier" Dream said so I took a seat on a log near by. When I sat down Dream got his sword out which made my eyes widen.

Dream walked over to me and grabbed my head hard enough so I couldn't move it. He then lifted his sword as my heart started racing. When his sword reached my neck, I was convinced he was going to chop it off but didn't which was a relief, but instead of chopping my head off he carved a smile onto my neck, of course he did. It was painful but I didn't want to give him the reaction he wants to get from me. 

There was a ton of blood dripping from my neck, so I got up from the log and walked as fast as I could to my house to find a cloth to put on my neck.

"Wow, no reaction, surprising" Dream said leaning against the wall. 

"Whats that meant to mean?" I asked raising my eyebrows. I think I know the answer, i think. "If it's about what happened when I was 4 I don't want to hear it, I was 4 it was 15 years ago, ive grown up, i'm 19 now, not 4" I said angrily.

"Well I gotta go now" Dream said leaving the house.

"Ok you psychopathic bitch!" I yelled at him as he left angrily then flopping onto my bed, holding the cloth onto my neck still that was no drenched in blood. 

Tommy was right, it is like hell here, but I did it for Tommy, for all the hard work he put into getting those discs back.


Ok that chapters done, I haven't worked on this story in along time.

Also I wanted to say that sarcastic people are fucking hot, sarcastic people are everything to me. sarcasm is the love of my life.


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