~9~ An old home...

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Tommy was confused as we started to walk towards the portal.

"So what are you going to show me exactly??" Tommy asked curious but confused at the same time.

"I'm going to show you my old home, where I grew up as a child" I said as both of us stepped into the portal.

Once we were in the nether, I started playing with the necklace. As I took a deep breath in, I looked down at the compass.

"So... where's your childhood home?" Tommy asked looking around in circle looking for a house or something that looked like a place a child would grow up in. Looking at him spinning around like that made me laugh, the first time ever since the incident with my brother.

"Hey Tommy, you want to see something impressive?" I asked, looking at him smiling.

"Sure but where did you grow up exactly, I can't see anything that looks like a child would grow up in?" he asked confused

"Tommy if you want to know what i'm about to say, knowing you, it would be impressing" I said, raising a brow.

"Sorry, what's so impressive that your going-" Tommy was saying but got cut off when I started talking.

"Over there, South East, is a nether fortress" I quietly said so no-one else would hear pointing in the direction of the fortress. Tommys eyes went wide as I was speaking. " And then at North east is a bastion" I said, smiling at him as he looked at me with a shocked face.

"And then my home I grew up in" I took a deep breath and then continued "My home is that way" I pointed my finger west as I sighed. 

"Woah... How do you remember all that... weren't you like, 7 when you were last here?" Tommy asked looking at the direction I pointed.

"First of all, Tommy, I was 5, second of all, I grew up here, I know my way around this place like I never left the nether" I explained. "And I have a good memory" I joked, nudging Tommys shoulder. 

"I was close enough with the age. can you take me to your childhood house? I'm interested" Tommy asked me.

"Sure Tom, when I was getting led to the portal for me to be "official exiled" Dream let me visit my old home before... and Ni- uhh, Sapnap was actually nice for once" I explained to Tommy as we started walking. 

I took my necklace with the compass on it off and held it in my hands, wiping my finger over it to get the dust off.

"Whats that Y/n?" Tommy asked looking over my shoulder.

"It's a necklace Sapnap made me when we were younger, Sapnap managed to conic Dream to let me keep it since it's basically the last thing I have of my childhood" I said, clutching it in my hand. My eyes started to water just by the thought of it.

."Anyway lets keep walking if we want to get there soon" I said, getting out of the trance I was in, but when I looked up from the ground, I froze and ran my hand over where the scar on my face was. We had arrived where I got hit by the ghast, the place I got this annoying scar that I never wish I had. Tommy must have noticed the panic I was in when he started staring at me and then asking me if I was ok.

"Y/n... Are you ok?" Tommy asked concerned.

"Me? oh uhhh, yeah im fine, just dont particularly like this area" I said, mumbling the last sentence.

"Ok then... lets continue the walk then" Tommy said, he could clearly tell something was wrong.

"Yeah, we're almost there anyway, its only about 3 minutes away, but if we keep up a good pace we should be able to get there in less than 3 minutes" 

The rest of the walk was silent and there wasn't much of a conversation happening but I was fine with that. All though the ghast noises in the background I didn't enjoy. 

"Here we are, we've arrived at my childhood home" I said looking down at the faded path that my brother and I made. Tommy entered the house a lot quicker than I did and started opening every chest. 

"Hey Tom, can I talk to you real quick" I asked Tommy

"Yeah, of course! Whats up" Tommy said sitting on the floor as I joined him on the floor.

"I trust you enough not to tell anyone this" I started looking at the ground, picking my nails nervously.

 "Yeah, I wont tell anyone, wait- can I tell Tubbo and Ranboo??" Tommy asked me.

"No, but maybe after they calm down about the shock of... you know what" I said, lifting my head from the ground to look at Tommy.

"Ok, I'll try, so what is it that you want to tell me?" Tommy said looking up at me. 

"Well... to start with, you know how sometimes when talking to Sapnap I almost accidentally say another name?" I asked look back at the ground playing with the compass that's around my neck.

"I think, yeah" Tommy said looking at me confused.

"Do you have any idea on what that name could be that I've almost said" I asked him, I know the more questions I ask him the longer it will take for me to finally say Nicks name out loud.

"uhhh, nope, not at the top of my head at least" Tommy said shrugging.

"Well... Sapnaps real name- I'm sorry I just need to tell someone this" I sighed "Sapnaps real name is Nick... I just had to get that out, it was really starting to get to me after all these years" I said looking up at Tommy once again. When I looked up he was giving me a sympathetic look.

"I- oh I have to use that against him some day" Tommy said proudly

"Tom, please don't, otherwise that's just going to make our relationship between us worse. I don't even know what Dream did to Nick form to start acting the way he acts" I said leaning my head against the wall.

"And the massive scar on my face... remember when I zoned out not very long ago?" I asked, my vision becoming blurry with tears.

"Yeah, I do" Tommy said moving closer to me

"Well, I don't think I ever told you how I got this scar" I asked tilting my head

"No, I dont think you have"


Sorry this was a bit short this was long but then I deleted about half of this and will put it into the next chapter. 

Next chapter might contain a trigger warning but i'm not to sure yet.

also does anyone else love when they have a science assignment that's due tomorrow that you've only had 4 lessons on because you haven't been at school because your sick and you do theatre so you haven't been to school in 2 weeks and you had no idea its due tomorrow and there's also no point in asking for an extension because your teacher made it very clear that we can't get extensions on work even if your sick because you can still do it from home? me to!😁🔫

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