Delightful Day isn't it?

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𝐊𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

I ended up falling asleep after I got in bed but throughout the night I kept hearing shuffling, thuds and just creaks.
I guess it was the wind or something. Anyways I woke up to the blinding sun entering my room. I got ready for the day but while I was getting ready I noticed a little note on my bedside table. "Meet me in the forest - S" I thought the "S" meant stalker or secret admirer but I ended up seeing a little bat doodle in the corner, So I knew who it was. I grabbed my bag some stuff and walked downstairs to the door before I ran into Jack. "Hey Kevin! Where are you going?" He said titling his head at me a little bit. "I'm just going for a little stroll near the market." I said. "Oh ok! We'll be safe out there!" He said smiling while walking off. I left and headed over to the forest. I stood in front of the entrance to the forest, took a deep breath and walked in. I decided to keep walking until I hit where I saw the waterfall. I ended up finding the waterfall and sat there just reading waiting for you know who to come out. "Surprised you actually came." Someone said followed by a little bit of giggling. "Yeah." I said putting down my book and looked up at the tree Streber was in. "What do you want?" I said looking at him. "I just want to talk that's all." Streber said climbing down the tree. "Okay?" I said confused. "I wanted to talk about yesterday." He said walking over to me, "What the hell were you doing in my room?" I said. "Well I had to give you the note somehow didn't I?" He said snickering. "Okay,what do you want to talk about." I said. "I wanted to talk about your birthday!" He said smiling. "How do you know that it's my birthday soon?" I said looking at him worried. "Well uh, you know Ra- I mean I have a friend that lives in your kingdom." He said nervously. "There's a vampire that lives in my parents kingdom?!" I said worriedly. "He- They're not a vampire!" Streber said. "Okay listen, I feel awful about yesterday you seem like a nice guy and I really wanted to get to know you." I said. "You.. You want to be my friend?" He said looking at me confused. "Yes. You seem like a really nice person and I don't have a lot of people to hang out with." I said putting my hand on the back of my neck. That sounded stupid as hell. "Well.. If you want then yeah we can keep hanging out!" He said smiling at me. "Oh, great then." I said smiling back at him. "Okay, now back to my question, What do you want for your birthday?" He said happily. "You don't have to get me anything plus you can't even go because people will catch you with you fangs." I said looking at him. "Nope! I already got that all planned out!" He said looking excited. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I said looking at him confused. "Watch this!" He said while pulling out a big book from his bag. "What is that?" I said looking at the book. "Just wait!" He said excitedly.
He opened the book and turned to a random page "Me vertunt omnes potentes in hominem, suscipe dentes meos, et gustum meum pro sanguine usque ad mediam noctem." He saying something in Latin I think but I couldn't understand him, then smoke started to circulate around him. "What the hell?!" I said worried. When the smoke went down I looked at him and walked over to him to see if he was okay. "Streber! Streber Are you okay?!" I said shaking his shoulders. "*Cough* Yeah I'm definitely fine. But look!" He said smiling and his fangs where.. gone?! "What the actual f-" I said before Streber shushed me. "Language. But see? I got it all under control!" He said smiling. "Now, is it okay if I go back to your kingdom?" He said smiling at me. "Uhm.. Yeah sure.." I said as if not he was not holding this giant ass spell book that could literally turn me into a fucking frog. "Alrighty then lets go!" He said pulling me up and started walking down to the Kingdom.

𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐩

𝐊𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

I can't believe I'm bringing a vampire to the kingdom. "Here we are." I said as we exited the forest. "This is the Kingdom." I said looking at him "It looks much more prettier in the morning!" He said ecstatic. "Yeah it does." I said smiling at him. "Okay let me show you around." I said walking with him. "That's the castle I live in. Here are the stores that sell a bunch of stuff. There's were everyone lives and that's the farm we get our crops, milk, and such." I said. "Woah!" He said looking over to Radfords store. "Is that a record store?!" He said excitedly. "Yep, there's also films in there too." I said smiling. "Okay then let's go over there!" He said pulling me over to Rad's store. "Hey Radford." I said walking in. "Hey Kevin!-.." He cut himself off when he saw Streber. "Oh." Streber and Radford whispered in sync. "Are you guys okay?" I said looking back in forth while they both gave each other panicked looks. "Uh- Yeah of course why wouldn't we be?" Streber said sounding nervous. "Okay.. Uh, what did you want to get again?" I said looking at the records. "Uh, I just came in here for some nice records!" He said walking over to the record area. "Hey radford is it okay if I go in the back to get some paint?" I said looking back at Radford. "Of course man!" He said opening the curtain to the back. "Thanks." I said walking into the back.
I grabbed some paint to finish the painting I was making back at home for my Mother. When I was done I stopped in front of the curtain because I heard Radford and Streber talking about something. "He cannot know that I'm a vampire, Streber please don't tell him, I could die if he found out. Literally." No fucking way. My best friend was a Vampire?! I opened the curtain to Radford snapped his head back to me. "Uh- Hey Kevin! Got all the paint you need?" Radford said. "Yeah.. I got all the paint I need." I said just still stunned by what I heard. "Great!" He said smiling. "I got everything I needed so we can head out Kevin!" Streber said smiling. "Okay." I said walking out the door waving bye to Radford. Me and Streber headed over to the castle. "Hey Kevin!" Jack said smiling at me. "Who's your friend?" He said smiling at Streber. "This is Streber." I told Jack. "Well nice to meet you Streber!" Jack said holding out shaking Strebers hand. "Nice to meet you as well!" Streber said smiling. Why do I feel a weird? "Come on Streber." I said leading him to my room. We both got into my room and I shut the door so no one heard what I was about to tell Streber. "You have a very nice room!" He said smiling at me. "Thanks." I said looking down at my bedside table. "I know, Streber." I said looking at him. "What do you mean?" He said tilting his head. "I know about Radford." I said. "Oh.." He said when his face immediately faded into worry. "I'm not mad. I'm just shocked." I said. "Oh!" He said surprised.

𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐩

𝐊𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

"Hey, Kevin?" Streber said while fidgeting with his hands. "What?" I said. "Is it okay if I stay here tonight? My parents would be pissed if they found out I went into the forest to meet up with you." He said snickering. "Sure I don't mind." I said shrugging. "Okay thanks!" He said smiling. Why do I feel warm when he smiles like that?

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