Chapter 1.4

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pov Merlin

Court members gather. Gaius, Kat, and I enter. we see Arthur joking with his mates. Arthur fakes a punch into one of his mate's stomach. They laugh. Arthur turns and does a double-take as Morgana walks into his line of sight. All the men stare.

"God have mercy." He says. Kat stares at Morgana as she passes her.

"Kat. Remember, you're here to work." Gaius says to her.

"Ow yha totally." She says. Kat continues to stare at Morgana as Arthur approaches to talk to her. Gwen sidles up next to Kat and me.

"She looks great, doesn't she?" Gwen says

"Ow yha" I answer

"Some people are just born to be queen." she says

"No!" I say

"I hope so. One day. Not that I'd want to be her. Who'd want to marry Arthur?"

"Oh, come on, Gwen. I thought you liked those real rough, tough, save the world kind of men." Kat chuckles 

"No, I like much more ordinary men like Merlin." she says

"Ow believe me, Merlin is not ordinary." Kat says.

"No, I didn't mean Merlin, obviously. Not him. But just, you know, I like much more ordinary men like him." she says

"Thanks" Merlin says sadly but in a playful way. Gwen and I turn away from each other awkwardly. Kat looks at me.

"Don't say a word!" I say

"I wasn't going to. But just so you know-" I cut her off by walking away.

Celebratory horns signal King Uther's entrance and everyone finds their place at the tables

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Celebratory horns signal King Uther's entrance and everyone finds their place at the tables. Kat and I are standing in the doorway. Kat leans against the frame.

"We have enjoyed twenty years of peace and prosperity. It has brought the kingdom and myself many pleasures, but few can compare with the honour of introducing Lady Helen." Uther says. I see Kat rolling her eyes.

"You really hate him don't you." I whisper.

"Who doesn't?" She askes. I tilled my head and look back at Lady Helen.

Applause. music begins and the Uther and the court take their seats. Helen sings. The court members begin nodding off to sleep. Kat notices and presses her hands over her ears. Cobwebs begin forming over the enchanted sleepers. Kat notices her staring at Arthur as she walks forward. She pulls a dagger from her sleeve. I magically drops the chandelier on her as she raises her arm to throw the dagger. Court members wake and pull the cobwebs off, muttering. Uther and Arthur stand up to see Mary Collins lying on the floor. Mary raises herself up enough to throw the dagger at Arthur. I slow down time so I can reach Arthur and pull him out of harm's way. The dagger slices into Arthur's chair as Arthur and I fall to the floor. Mary dies. Uther and Arthur stare at me. Kat looks down at the dagger and pulls it out.

"You saved my boy's life. A debt must be repaid." Uther says. 

"O Noo" I say.

"Don't be so modest. You shall be rewarded."

"No, honestly, you don't have to, Your Highness." I say

"No, absolutely. This merits something quite special." Uther says

"well" I say

"You shall be rewarded a position in the royal household. You shall be Prince Arthur's manservant." Uther says, Everyone starts to applaud.

"Father?" Arthur says. Gwen claps with a pitying smile on her face. Arthur and Kat look away from each other unhappily.

 Arthur and Kat look away from each other unhappily

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"You are a hero." Gaius says as he walks in my our chambers.

"Ow no, Kat was the one who noticed Lady Helen acting strangely." I look at Kat who is asleep.

"How did she?" 

"I'm not seposed to talk about it." 

"does she have magic like you or?" Gaius says. I open my month to say something when there is  Knocking on door of the Physician's Chambers.

"Merlin, Prince Arthur wants you right away." a voice says on the other side of the door.

"Your destiny's calling. You'd better find out what he wants." Gaius laughs 

"And Merlin, Look" Gaius shows a book. "I will keep it with me for when you return."

"What is it." 

"A book of magic, it was given to me when I was your age. Now go." Gaius says and I leave the room.

720 words

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