Chapter Six: Sight of the Light

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Linda dreamt she was somewhere on Jorvik, but she wasn't sure where exactly. Linda took notice that she's on the top of hill that the Red String Trail Ride takes place. But when Linda looked up, she saw something astonishing in the sky.
It was so beautiful. She could count more hues and shades than in the box of paints and watercolors that she had bought a few years ago. Shades of sapphire, violet, magenta, and amber shimmered and shined, like a giant rainbow had blanketed the sky and stretched out over the land. It was barely evening, but the stars started to sparkle brightly in the night sky. Despite the darkness of the appearing dusky sky, they were so bright and clear like distant diamonds sparkling in the night. The stars sparkled like distant diamonds in the sky, while the sky is like deep sapphire blue velvet that sparkled with the beautiful constellations overhead. As the clouds cleared, a silver circle of the full moon had also appeared in the night sky and had casted its soft silvery beams of light over the lake. Not just that, but Linda could see that the lake taking in the silvery reflections of the glowing moon and the sparkling stars.
"Moon Sister." Linda spun around to see that the campfire has been set aflame and someone was sitting at the other side of the campfire. It was a young woman who resembles Astra, but she's in a blue druid dress with a silvery-gray cloak flowing behind her like gentle moonlit waves and a silver amulet gleamed around her neck. "She'll need your aid."
"Who does?" Linda asked the woman. "And who are you?"
"The one of a warrior's descendant," said the woman. "The warrior reborn, or some believe." Linda frowned at the ghost's strange statement.
"What do you mean?" asked Linda curiously.
The ghost smiled softly and looked at Linda fondly. "History has begun to repeat itself." The ghost looked at Linda in concern. "But you must help the Lost Ones find themselves again."
"What?" In Linda's mind, this strange meeting had started to confuse her and making her feel more uncertain and curious.
"You must show them the way," continued the ghost.
"How am I supposed to do that?" Linda asked, her voice held some uncertainty as she looked at the ghost.
"You both carry the power inside," explained the ghost, shocking Linda. "But you are not alone. Find them and you will know the truth. The truth..."
At that moment, the ghost had started to fade away as well as the scene surrounding them. Linda have more than half a dozen questions circling within her mind.
"Wait!" Linda cried out to the fading ghost.
It wasn't long until the mountain that Linda had disappeared and transformed into the great forest of Greendale. Linda was standing on a trail that leads riders and their horses out of Greendale and into the Harvest Counties.
Linda heard a pair of hooves splashed through a puddle and the eager sound of laughter was heard. What Linda could see was something... or someone galloping through the depths of the forest, she could see it was a green cloaked girl riding on a galloping black mare.
But to Linda's horror, she heard galloping hooves towards her direction. She screamed and started running away, but the thundering hooves sounded like it was right behind her. Linda soon tripped over something and fell down, she looked up to see a black shadow has jumped gracefully over her without hitting her and landed on the other side of Linda's line of sight.
She sat up to have a better look at the rider and her horse, who were both outlined by the sunrise. Linda gasped in amazement when she saw the rider and the horse staring at her. She recognizes them both. She knows what she has to do.
Linda shivered as she felt the darkness had started to surround her and blinding her senses. She soon bolted up, wide awake and startled by the strange dream she had. She found Misty sleeping near her legs, purring softly in her sleep.
Linda glanced over at the window that she was lightly leaning against when she was asleep. She became concerned when she saw some gray storm clouds have started to gather overhead. Linda remembers a girl that she saw at Jorvik Stables. Mysteriously quiet and introvert, the girl spends all of her time with a beautiful black mare that was once considered unrideable and dangerous, unable to be broken and didn't let anyone ride her. But the quiet girl and the wild mare have both met and had managed to forge a bond with each other. Just like a certain warrior and his mare.
"I have to find Astra," whispered Linda.
Through the sparse canopy of leaves, the light of the sun shone through in sharp rays of fiery gold. The air was warm, so warm, that even the clouds that hung in the sky were stiff with gentle warmth. All the animals were huddled in their nests and dens, trying to keep themselves hidden from the horseback riding human through the forest. The only creatures that dared be out were a few rabbits that munched on the leaves, and a few skittering squirrels, searching for spare acorns on the forest floor.
A pair of hooves splashed through a puddle and an annoyed sound of a huff was hardly heard. The rustling leaves crunched as a green cloaked girl riding a beautiful black mare quietly walked through the almost soundless woods. A little cluster of light rain clouds had passed through the evening, dampening the ground and filling the air with the scent of fresh rain. The distant mountains were delicately sprinkled with the fading mist from the rain, like faint white frosting on cake slices. Puffs of fog appeared in the air at her every breath. With her hands on her reins, her eyes, which were almost hidden by the hood of her green cloak, searched through the trees, looking for something. But she heard a faint rustle of leaves and grass, the faint sound of it made her smirked in dry amusement.
Instantly, the human pivoted herself into a defensive position and her mare went into a protective stance, whipping out her hand faster than the blink of an eye. Her eyes flicked around warily, her breath quick as she scanned for the source of the noise.
The black mare nearly reared backwards when the noise sounded again almost right at their feet. The girl looked down, and scrambling around in the rain-covered leaves was a tiny fawn, watching her curiously.
The human and her horse held theirs fighting stances for one moment longer, before the girl calmed down with a sigh.
"Are you trying to scare the living daylights out of me?" The girl asked the fawn, gruffly amused of the curious fawn. The fawn bleated before it scurried away from the two partners and back into the depths of the forest, making the girl rolled her eyes and chuckled softly.
When the girl continued her ride, the girl rode into the sunlight on the forest's path, revealing that the girl is Astra riding Eclipse.
Astra patted Eclipse's neck. "Lets keep going girl."
They were running together, as though they're one in the same. Astra felt the wind whooshed through her. She was intensely aware of Eclipse's movements underneath her. She felt herself smiling and Eclipse let out a loud whinny. Astra raised herself up slightly as the grassy ground disappeared underneath them for a bit. Eclipse had leapt over a log. She felt her hair flowed behind her and her stomach lurched. She almost felt as if she and the mare were both flying. She tightened her grip on the reins and Eclipse slowed down for a moment, long enough for her to regain her balance again and calm down her excitement. Astra took a deep breath, calming herself down and nodded to Eclipse, who nickered softly in her agreement with her rider and they continued the ride.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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