Chapter 42

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Hello! As I said, a new chapter :)
Soooo soorrryyyy for being totallyyy late :( I'm not doing it again i promise :)
Keep sharing the book and
After the group hug, we saw something strange in the sky.


"Everybody keep calm, we'll deal with it. Hailey, you just lead them to the stolen forest, unless you're a coward, then Chase will go with you." said Bree.
I didn't want to argue as there was no time."I'm not a coward, I'll go alone. And thank you, Bree." I commented. She just rolled her eyes when Chase said "I know Hailey, ofcourse, isn't a coward. But I'll go with her. I also make dicisions, Bree."
Without a word, I sent him a small smile and we went ahead to the forest.

The Stolen Forest is a really huge forest, and all strange insects and scary animals lie there. The place there stinks, too. So if anyone went alone, he can't even dream of getting out. I could lead and go with all the people there, but this is just the second time I go to this place, so I will definetley not know the exit way.

I walked infront of all the people, Chase next to me, and I, just really mad about Bree's attitude towards me. "Hailey, are you okay?" Chase asked.

Okay? Am I okay? No, I'm perfect. Just so happy about Bree's behaviour with me and happy about the news of the enemies attacking aeolus. I'm totally okay.

"I'm fine." I lied. Then surprisingly, Chase stood infront of me staring at my eyes.
"No. You're not okay. I can totally see that in your eyes... Oh, it's Bree, isn't it?" he said. Thank God he realized, because I was going to lie, relie. "Well,yes. I don't like her attitude with me. Why does she treat me like that!!? What did I do to her? Since I came here, she hated me. For God's sake!" I nearly yelled. "She is jealous of you, Hailey. She thinks you being with me is an awful idea. She is just jealous and- Wait, let me tell you something. When someone hates you for no reason, all you have to do is ignore. Trust me, this is an excellent reaction and a perfect attitude towards this person, especially Bree."
Wow, he really did give me a fantastic advice. "I will ignore her for ever."
I heard Chase chuckling and said "You actually have a really great sense of humor. Even if you're angry."
Seriously? That was a compliment.
I smiled, and said nothing.

Finally, we arrived at the forest. Too dark, probably? The forest was entirely dark and moist. Dead creatures surrounded us. And alive ones, too. Broken trees branches, strange sounds, Chase whispered "Everyone, don't touch anything. Stay near me and Hailey."
I held Chase's arm tightly by my two hands and I said "Chase, what's that?"
Chase looked towards the thing I pointed at, and formed an O with his mouth.

Shit. An enemy.

Chase quickly pulled his sword from his belt and came near this ... I can say, alligator, but a rather huge one. It hit Chase with its tail and Chase fell onto the moist soil. "Chase!" I yelled. The people with us started screaming and separating in different directions.

Oh, not again.

I went directly to Chase who was strong enough to stand up in a second. "I'm totally fine, just dirt on my clothes. Hailey, stay away from that Deepandarel. I'll kill it."

What did he say? Deepa- something? Ew.

"No, Chase. I'll help you. I'm not here just to watch an action movie." He laughed
This strange thing came nearer to me, and hit me really hard with its tail.

Oh my God, this hurt. No, this really really really hurt. I couldn't actually stand up, or walk. "Hailey! Didn't I tell you to leave?!"
"Ouchhh, this is miserable." I said
"Take my hand, I'll help you."
"No. I can't walk. Shi-"
"I'll carry you to Aeolus Hospital. It is near this forest. Lets go. About this enemy- Wait, it disappeared!"
Chase carried me, and I slept in his arms.

I was awakened by a familiar voice.
"Hailey, you okay?" Chase asked.
I opened my eyes real slowly, as I was extremely exhausted, and answered him "I'm okay." I answered tiredly
He came nearer to the hospital bed I was sleeping on, and softly kissed my forhead.
I gave him a tired smile and said "Chase, I think Bree would be angry right now, so you can return to the town and-"
"Hailey, I'm staying with you. Plus, if she became angry at me, I would tell the king. That's non of her business and ... and... and I love you. I would never leave someone I love, tired, hurted, in a hospital alone." He said.

Damn, his words are lovely. SO lovely

"Chase, thank you for everything. I don't know how to return what you did to you. But one day, I will. Thank you loads." I told him. Then, he came and hugged me.

Oh, I needed that. Seriously.
A/N :

I really liked this chapter.
What about you?

Pls tell me your ideas below!

I would really appreciate it :)

You won't lose anything if you hit that little star


Cast Members :

Victoria Justice as Hailey

Francisco Lachowski as Chase

Bella Thorne as Bree

Ariana Grande as Autumn

Zac Efron as Aiden

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