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"I was meant for you and you were meant for me, yeah
And I'll make sure that I'll be everything you need, yeah."-Musiq Soulchild

Two weeks later.
Authors POV

These past two weeks have been hard on everyone. They've been hard on Lewis and Keisha because they want everyone to be accepting of their relationship. But no one is. Hard on Camille because all she wants is to apologize to her sister in law. She was wrong and never got the chance to apologize for it. Even harder on Braylon because he's been taking care of his now two week old sons alone. They are home and he's doing everything alone. Waking up at 2 in the morning to feed them and put them back to sleep. To changing both of their diapers. But he wouldn't trade it for the world. He has truly embraced parenthood.

The babies are with Tanya while Bray and Naunies family are going to the hospital. Camille is already there. She is the only one there too. She takes Naunies hand in hers as she cries.

"Naunie I'm so sorry. I should have never put my hands on you. I love you like a sister. And I should have just listened to you. Your babies are beautiful. And Braylon is doing a great job taking care of them. We just need you to wake up." She cries. Naunie hears it all and she forgives Camille.

Lewis and Keisha enter the room and each take her hand.
"How you doing baby? I know you probably don't want me here right now. But I'm your mother and I do love you. And I only want the best for you. And I am sorry for everything I've ever done to you. I'm clean and been clean ever since you left. I just want to build a relationship with you. And I hope we get the chance to." Naunie is still angry with her mom but she refuses to forgive her. Not too long after Braylon enters the room.

"Hey baby. The doctors say you're doing a lot better. I'm glad. Ready to come home with me and the boys. I miss you." He starts as he kisses her hand as a tear falls down his cheek. Camille rubs his back soothing him. "I fault myself for letting this happen to you. I'm suppose to protect you. I'm suppose to care for you and make sure things like this don't happen. I failed you." He says.
"No you didn't. You're everything to me." Naunies says finally waking up after two weeks. Causing everyone to look at her shocked.
"Baby?"Braylon ask still in shock.
"Yes?"She responds and his lips crash down on hers.
"I love you."He says in between her lips while still kissing her.
"I love you more." She says kissing him back.


Naunie is released to go and Braylon drives her home. They enter the house and she sits on the couch.
"Stay here." He says. Before going up the steps to his sons nursery.
"Ma she's home." He says to his mother whose feeding Caden. As he retrieves a sleeping Chase from the crib. They both carefully walk down the stairs and towards the living room.
"This is Chase baby." He said placing the sleeping baby in Naunies arm as she cries. He kisses her tears away and gets Caden from his mom and sits next to Naunie.
"And this is Caden." He adds.
"They are perfect."She says looking between her two sons.
"Yeah." Bray says kissing his son and then Naunie.


One month later.
Naunie POV

It's been one month since I woke up from my coma. Things have been absolutely great. I love my babies with all of my heart. And Braylon has never been better. Now we're getting together for a cookout. It for exclusive family only though. So it should go pretty well.
"Baby come on. You taking too long in here." Braylon said walking in with Chase in his arms. That there is a daddy's boy. Caden is a mommys boy.
"Don't rush me!" I yelled curling the last of my hair.
"Ask your mommy who she getting fine for?" Bray asked Chase.
"Myself." I said turning the wand off. Before grabbing my clutch off the dresser. "Let's go." I say going to get Micah. Yes she still live with us.
"You ready baby?" I asked walking into her room.
"Are you ready?" She asked smiling wide.
"Ready for?" I asked. But was interrupted by Bray coming with both of the twins carriers.
"Can we go yall?" I held Micahs hands as Bray followed us down the steps. Mama Tanya was sitting on the couch waiting for us. We all loaded up in the truck and headed to by my dads house.

When we pulled up to the mansion we got out and went to through the house. Everybody was in the backyard chilling. So we all took seats in the lawn chairs.
"Hey yall." I said.
"Wassup." Bray said as he dapped all the men and hugged all the women.
"Look at uncles little thugs." Quay said taking Chase from my arms.
"Oh no. That's something they will not be. Thugs." I said.
"Do you not know who their daddy and granddaddy is?" Camille asked looking between the two.
"I'm very familiar with them actually. But my babies will not get into any of that shit. Watch what I tell you." I said.

"What's new?" Bray asked Jayden.
"Shit not much." I noticed Tati wasn't here.
"Where's Tati?" I asked. For us to have been best friends we haven't talked lately.
"Oh um at home. We broke up." Jayden said holding his head down.
"What happened? What about the baby?" I asked.
"She miscarried. Then told me she didn't want to be together anymore. But I'm not pressed." I could tell he was hurt but I didn't push the issue.

"The boys are getting so big." Meisha exclaimed kissing Caden on his cheek.
"Yeah." I said smiling. I kind of wished Tati was here. As if planned she walked through the back door. I could see Jayden adjust in his seat.
"Hey bae." I said standing up to hug her.
"Hey. I'm sorry I'm late. I should have been here. I wouldn't miss this for anything in the world."
"Miss what?" I asked pulling away from her.

Braylon POV

As she talked with Tati I knew I had to take this time to do it. I passed the babies to Meisha and Quay and got down on one knee.
"Naunie."I called and she turned around. I took the ring that I was once going to propose to her with out of my pocket and opened it.
"Some months ago I came to this very house with this very ring prepared to propose to you. That's before I knew you were pregnant with my sons. That's before I knew I couldn't live without you. That's before I knew that without waking up to you every morning and falling asleep with you at night I was miserable. That was all before I knew I could love you more. That day I thought I couldn't love you anymore. But I was wrong. Seeing you give birth to my children. Made me realize I love you even more. I can't live without you Keandra. And I won't live without you. So will you please marry me?"
She was crying her eyes out. My hands were shaking.

Even though I know she'll say yes the other part of me is like all the shit I done put her through she might say no.
"Yes Braylon."she said. I slid the ring on her left hand and stood up. We hugged and kissed and enjoyed the rest of the night.


We laid in the bed me, Naunie & the twins.
"I love yall." I said.
"We love you too." Naunie replied kissing the top my head.
"Have you thought anymore about moving to California?" I asked.
Secretly I had already been building us a home that's a great combination of my house and her dads. Has 10 rooms. 6 bedrooms including master room, twins room, Micahs room, and three other guest rooms. Then a bar room, a theater room, office, and game room. Then of course kitchen, living room, formal dining room. A swimming pool. And then a pool house fully furnished. One room. For my mom.
"Yes I still want to go. Just don't know if it's the right time."
"Anytime can be the right time."

One more chapter.

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