Hypnosis - double life - Tango / Jimmy

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So you know, I know very little about hypnosis so I'm kind of just pulling stuff out my ass on this one.

"Hey, Tango, there was something I've been meaning to ask you about,"
The fellow blonde turned from their chicken farm, head cocked and eyes flaring at the sight of their soulmate.
Ok so they don't always have good days. Actually, Tango's temper can get in the way of them having consistently good days. Today, they've been lucky. Nothing too bad has happened so-
"I was hoping we could try some-something out?" Jimmy led his soulmate to the sit down.

"See, a while ago I found this book in the Deep Dark. I wasn't sure what it was at first but I asked Renn to look at it for me-"
Tango raised his eyebrow, "-he used to run Rennchanting, remember? A-anyway, he said it was a book of spells and I wanted to- try some of them. On you,"

"I can't begin to explain how problematic that could be,"

"I know! B-but Pearl ensured me they were all safe!"
Gosh, Jimmy hated that glaring distrust on his face, "I-if they don't work-" why does nobody trust him? He just wants to have a bit of fun.

"Can you take a look at it, at least? Maybe you can read some of it,"

There's a pause, "Please? I know you know a bit of infernal and I thought I saw some runes that were similar to the ones in the bastion,"
Never breaking eye contact, Tango takes the book from his hands, "Okay, Jimmy. But I'm rusty."

Jimmy watches Tango squint, skimming through the parchment, running his fingers over the bumps in the page. Infernal runes can mean a lot of things. Powerful magic, destruction and chaos.

"These aren't infernal runes. It's in Ender," Jimmy doesn't know what that is. He doesn't dabble in... magic, or science, or well anything, really. Just a simple guy with simple pleasures.

"End magic is more focused on manipulation and illusion. You can make people do things,"
Things? What kind?

Jimmy watches a flash of dark, deep cerulean fog up his bright burning eyes.
"When did you learn it?"

"Well... Wardens are fun to mess around with, don't you think?" Oh, right. Tango and his freaky knowledge of the unknown.
"Don't look at me like that. Can you read any runes?"

"Uh, Scott? He taught me Overworld magic. Basic potions and stuff,"

"So you know the enchantment for a fire resistance potion?"

"If I saw it,"

Tango hums, tipping his chin in his considerate gaze. Then, he turns down to the book and flips open a page, "Read this,"
Jimmy squints. A mass of symbols, squiggles on the page that he can hardly make sense of.

"Uh- 'Dywzrah py fury, kxrl py xe duzzwy mirvir',"

Jimmy watches Tango's lips curl up in an amused smirk.
"What?" He frowns, "I haven't done potions in... A long time,"

"It was good. So, hmm."

He flips to another page, skims through with a wider grin. Oh, Jimmy's seen that before, "What did you find?"
The page looks black, runes ancient, jumbled in a way which may as well resemble the stars.

"This one  seems simple enough,"

"What does it do?"

"Oh, y'know. Good stuff," he licks his lips.
Jimmy gives him a look.

"Ok fine. You get to tell me what to do, if you speak the spell," the blaze looks embarrassed. His partner is just dumbfounded.
"I- I want you to tell me what to do, Jimmy."

A few moments of silence pass as the blonde tries to process it.
"Oh-" his cheeks turn pink, taking the book to skim over the words, "I don't need a book for that,," his voice softens out. He's not a naturally seductive guy - clumsy, untalented (at least Jimmy thinks so) - but he can still make Tango grin as clumsily as he, and bring a tint of hot red to his face.
"You will listen to me, right, Tango?"

"Yeah but I'd like if you read it,"

"Why is that?"

Tango swallows, "Because, Jimmy, I want to belong to you completely," his voice is soft, sexy, despite the inherent cracks in his words.
The blonde locks eyes and holds it. This is important to Tango; he can see it in the hesitant look in his face. He's usually bold and confident. Besides, he did ask to try it out in the first place.

He looks over the page again.
"How do you pronounce this?"

The subtle smile in the blaze's eyes is worth it, "zay-ri-fixz,"

Jimmy sounds out the spell, words twisting into form, into a command as he holds his soulmate's hand. His mind leaks into his, pictures of past lives flashing before him. Hours of long work, a trip to the void and to the planes of the Nether we don't get to see.
A long history of loneliness, study and seclusion.

Jimmy lets go.

"Tango, I'm sorry, are you okay?"

He looks frozen, a frown plastered on his ice cold skin, "Yeah," he looks up at Jimmy, "Just relived a lot of memories that I thought I'd forgotten,"
He shakes his head.

"How do you feel?"

Jimmy shrugs, "I don't know, the same? Maybe i just did it wrong,

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