Chapter 2: Shine to White

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The cover was drawn by Gijoo the Chair.

"Wolf!" The knocks got more frantic and louder

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"Wolf!" The knocks got more frantic and louder. "Wolf, open the door!"

Only the people from his middle and high school days called him that. To everyone else, he was Professor Seongje Keum of the Black Out Blight research team.

Wolf didn't immediately recognize the voice but it sounded familiar. He knew it couldn't be Hwangmo since he had died along with the many other initial victims of the Black Out Blight. It couldn't be Hayden since he overdosed and died before his number reached zero. Beomsu and his friend sure as hell wouldn't be approaching him in person even if Wolf's life was at stake. Were those two fuckers even still alive?

"Wolf, I'm running out of time! Open the door, please!"

Wolf sighed and opened the door. "What the fuck do you want?"

It was Kenny Ji, Jake's older brother. The last time Wolf had seen Kenny had been at the symposium. Wolf had felt obligated to invite Kenny and Kenny's father since they were the ones who had decided to donate Jake's corpse to science instead of burying or cremating him.

Kenny was panting heavily and his face and clothes were covered in sweat. He had a preference for his right leg and just putting a bit of weight on his left leg, the leg that Manwol had fucked up many years ago, seemed to sent jolts of pain throughout his body. Despite being told by his doctor that it'd be dangerous to run, he had sprinted to Wolf's apartment.

"Here," Kenny shoved a watch looking device at Wolf's chest.

"What am I supposed to do with a watch?" Wolf deadpanned. 

"These watches will send the wearers to the past," Kenny explained through rapid, short breaths. "It isn't perfect, but it should work,"

"Time travel?" Wolf scoffed. 

"You've seen things like the Black Out Blight which is pretty much a supernatural thing," Kenny pointed out. "Then the numbers started mysteriously counting down to people's death dates. Is time travel really that farfetched?"

"Fair point," Wolf inspected the watch he had been given. It mainly resembled a normal smartwatch. "Wouldn't there be news of you working on a time travel machine?"

"I started researching about time travel after Jake passed away," Kenny informed. "I didn't manage to actually start working on the prototypes until years later. I didn't want any info about the time traveling machines to get out since someone would most likely either steal my work, destroy my work, or kidnap me and force me to work for them. I can't exactly fight like I used to back when I was in Manwol,"

"You've tested it before?" Wolf slid the watch on and tapped the top. A light blue holographic screen into the area above the watch.

"Yes, but never as far back as I plan to send us back in a couple minutes," Kenny answered. "And not this many people at once,"

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