The marriage

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A/N: The wedding vows in this are the ones that Will and Tessa exchanged in their marriage. This was because I didn't know how to write a proper wedding vow. Therefore, please keep in mind, the vows are Will's and Tessa's, I DIDN'T WRITE THEM PLEASE DON'T COPYRIGHT ME.

He'd felt rather than heard Alastair's footsteps, darkening their bedroom door. Thomas knew that he could recognise those light, padded thumps echoing the floorboards anywhere.

He looked up from where he was sitting, at the edge of their bed, to see Alastair leaning against the doorframe, god-like. His hair was mussed and wet, his two shirt buttons undone. His dark eyes that Thomas knew as much as his own, shone in the equally dark setting, the only illumination being the sole candlelight on the bedside table. His lips were curled in a smirk that Thomas found himself staring at.

Thomas swallowed hard, his grip tightening on the small grey box, hidden behind him. He forced a smile in return and used his free hand to pat down the mattress next to him, signalling for Alastair to sit down beside him. Which he did.

"You've been awfully quiet, Thomas." He inquired, peering at Thomas's face.

"Have I?" Thomas squeaked, his gaze still hovering on Alastair's lips

Alastair's eyebrows cocked upward, "Perhaps, there isn't a need for you to talk then?" He gingerly slipped his hand on Thomas's jaw, bringing him close but not quite there yet. Thomas could feel himself yearning to sit there all day and stare into those beautiful dark eyes that twinkled in the right places and glimmered in the rest.

He moved forward to press a light kiss on Alastair's lips before moving back, "Maybe there is something I need to ask you." He held onto Alastair's hands and looked up at his face that beckoned 'go on'.

"Alastair. Did you know your name means man's defender? The day I first met you, I was astounded when you rolled those syllables off your tongue. I never knew that its meaning could fit you so well. You are always out there, defending the people you hold most dear. Fighting by Cordelia, protecting your mother. Defending me. Selfishly, I want you to continue defending me, to continue being by my side."

He could see Alastair's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Angel, he was horrible at this.

"What I mean is," he continued, bringing out the box, "I can't imagine anyone else defending, protecting and loving me the way you do. I cannot imagine another filling in this empty space inside me because this space in me was always yours to fill. Therefore..." He fumbled for words and instead opened the box, showing its contents to Alastair.

He could hear a slight gasp, "But it would not be possible, Thomas, the Clave-"

"I've already asked Charlotte. About...people like us. The concept of our situation might be foreign to her but she understands love, Alastair. She can't deny us that. Nobody can."

Thomas looked at Alastair, the question poised on his lips. Alastair's eyes glistened, his fingers tracing the ring. They sat in silence for a while before Alastair spoke quietly, "And? I want to hear you say it, عزیزم (A/N: my dear in persian, by google translate, I hope I haven't upset anyone)"

"Will you...will you marry me, Alastair?" Thomas breathed out. He gently took hold of Alastair's hand, sliding the ring onto his finger. Suddenly, a drop of water fell on their joined hands. Thomas, startled, looked at Alastair.

"Are you crying, mi amor?" He chuckled. He could see Alastair smile back and then he grabbed his face, pulling him in for a kiss. He could feel the salt from his tears mixing in and the minty taste of Alastair's mouth.

When they broke away, heaving for air, Alastair pressed their foreheads together, "Yes, I will marry you," he breathed. "Of course."


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