Chapter 6: 🤍Is All This Pain Worth It?🤍

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(A/N -> I told yall I'd start writing again 🤭)

Word Count: 1367

Trigger Warnings: none really, just cussing
🤍Reader Pov🤍

As I slowly got dressed, Leonora was already three steps ahead. She looked beautiful as always and was doing her makeup. "My Reader, are you almost ready? I don't want to confront Dovey alone." I laughed lightly as I put my skirt on.

"Almost? I'm ready. Just need hair, makeup, and shoes." I heard an annoyed sigh come from the bathroom. "Oh don't get all upset with me. We wouldn't be late if you hadn't dragged me up here. I did enjoy our time together though." Leonora came out of the bathroom with a raised eyebrow.

(Your Outfit)

"This all started because of you my love

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"This all started because of you my love." She came up to me and wrapped her perfectly manicured nails around my waist. "I can't be upset with you though. You look too sexy. I like the brighter colors." Leonora leaned her head against mine.

"Leonora, what's wrong?" I could sense the change in mood right away. She can't mask her emotions. Not from me. No response. We were both silent. The grip she had on my waist insinuated she didn't want to talk about it. "I know everything is fucked up right now. I'm under just as much pressure as you are. We're in this together." I brought one of her hands to my face, cupping my cheek with it. Leonora finally lifted her head to look at me. I smiled weakly as I kissed her.

"Why can't things just be normal? No threats. No evil that vows to destroy the entire world." Leonora looked into my eyes.

"Well then our world would be boring." Leonora cracked a smile before I pulled away. "Now, could you pretty please find my shoes while I get my hair done?" Leonora rolled her eyes and stepping behind me to begin her search. I slipped into the bathroom and brushed my hair out, leaving it down with pastel blue snap hair clips holding the hair from my face while I quickly do just my basic makeup.

"Y/n are you ready? We have to go." I came out of the bathroom as Leonora gave me my converse. I quickly grabbed them, put them on, and used my magic to tie them while I try to catch up with her. As I caught up to her I grabbed her hand trying to slow her down.

"Hey, slow down. There's no need to rush." She slowed down l, but didn't respond. "Don't make me read your mind because one I know you don't like it. And two because we're married. So talk to me. I'll listen."

"What if things done get better? You can't do this by yourself. Not again. This fucking school has officially has lost its shit." I snickered a bit and rubbed my thumb over her knuckles. Leonora bent down to kiss my forehead. As quickly as we left our room we were in the dining hall. I could feel Dovey's eyes on me as I got my food. Like to lasers in the back of my head. Can't I be at peace for once in this school? As I walked over to sit with my wife and Dovey I started to realize my life at thus school is changing too fast. At first I was supposed to be a student, but I'm starting to realize I don't need to learn the things in my classes anymore and I sit with the staff. Maybe it's just me. Or maybe I'm starting to care about my public image. Whatever it is I can't figure it out for the life of me. As I sit down Leonora kisses my cheek and Dovey just looks at me.

"What?" I don't know what the look is about, but it's giving me the creeps. Her eyes are unreadable just like everything about her face right now and it's giving me hella anxiety. I looked over to Leonora who had her eyes on her plate, but wasn't eating. She looked embarrassed. "Okay is someone gonna say something or just stay quiet?"

"Fine I'll speak, what is wrong with you two?!" I snapped my head back in Dovey's direction.

"What are you talking about? What did we do?" Dovey scoffed.

"Oh while you two were having... sex I was banging on your door, but you clearly didn't hear me when I said the Storian started writing again about Rafal and that-"

"Dovey I don't want to hear about Rafal anymore. If he comes to destroy the school so be it, if he doesn't he doesn't. Now please let me eat in peace." Dovey was shocked and looked to Leonora who seemed to agree with my statement. Dovey gave up and just walked off. I sat there unbothered eating my food like nothing happened. Just as fast as Dovey left she came back with the headmaster. I rolled my eyes at how persistent she was and looked over to Leonora. "Can you deal with them my love? Pretty please?" I gave her the classic puppy dog eyes and quivering lip. She just sighed and grabbed my chin.

"If they blame me for your temper I'm leaving." I scoffed before being silenced with a kiss. Leonora stood up and left me right where I was. As she walked over I followed her with my eyes. Watching as she escorted Dovey and the headmaster to the door before Dovey started ranting. I rolled my eyes and read their body language. The headmaster seamed tense just like Dovey. Leonora didn't seem to care until I saw her face change. Just as her face changed she came back to me, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the dining hall.

"Hey! What the-"

"Y/n just listen. Do you remember anything Rafal might have told you from the last time you spoke? Anything at all that might help us figure put what he'll do next." I rolled my eyes so done with this. When I see him I'll kill him.

"Just that he was coming back, going to take over the school, blah blah blah, and also he might try and convince me to join him. That's all I know." I looked at all three of them. The headmaster looked the most concerned. He turned to Dovey and whispered something to her. Dovey stepped forward and looked me dead in the eyes.

"Rafal will be back in three days. That's what the Storian said anyways and it said that you will be on his side." Dovey looked at me as if I of all people was actually switching sides.

"Dovey! You think I would join him? What has gotten into all of you. I promise this time I'm going to kill him end of discussion." I looked at Lesso who was about to say something. "Who's side are you on? Theirs or mine?! Because it feels like no one here actually believes me!" Lesso pushed Dovey out of her way and grabbed my hands.

"Y/n, My Reader, I love you and I would never turn against you. We're just concerned that Rafal might try to manipulate you or us. He could get into your head like he did to Sofie or Gavaldon. Neither of us want that." I took a deep breath and calmed down as I looked into Leonora's eyes.

"Okay, but I'm not gullible enough to fall for his tricks. I can't say the same about Dovey." Dovey gasped and stormed towards me as I smirked. The headmaster held her back.

"Ladies let's not get physical. Dovey you know she'd drop you like that dragon so don't you start." Dovey rolled her eyes and I laughed. Leonora dragged me away as Dovey argued that she was stronger than me. According to the storian that's not what I heard. As I entered the dining hall I sat back down with my wife and continued eating. I just wish Rafal would show his face now so I could kill his dumbass right here right now.

🤍Okay to me longer to post than I thought🤍
🥳Sorry guys, also it's summer for me so hurray🥳
🤍Okay bye bye🤍


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