2 - oh fuck yes you know they are

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tortur was the equivalent of a moonmoncher-heartbroken autumn... BUT AUTUMN WAS WONDERFULLY GAYYING WITH QIBI!!!!11!1! then qibi kissed autumn and then they kissed for like ten billion years until they accidentally started to fuck each other without realising they love each other so much wow :)

and after respectfully gayying each other

tortur was so mad at moonmoncher for deleting his crush Binkajou that he decided to teleport them all with all his animus brain cells into jade mountain academy classroom three where glorious dragonet of destiny cgay getting cancelled with his awesome stepdad perli. moments after tortur committed his insane sin of teleporting gayying dragons to cgay, the cyan and yellow dergs made a dragonet somehow and named her deas nourts :0

cgay was in the end cancelled (apparently for saying perli was actually gud and not just an abomination of hot sauce), tortur royally massacred his family and entire tribe, moonmoncher revived binkajou to make out with her and the qinter bois lovingly made like two-hundredthy-fifty-sixty-thousandy-six dragonets :) :) ;) :)

and then they went into bed and gayyed some more. 

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