3 - the great misunderstanding

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A few days later:

"oh pwease qibi gimme more of that dong "💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸 autumn said respectfuwwy *moans in moan language* i need some of dat amazing dong pls gib dong

"autumn y u o a s w e l l" qibi replied, now grabbing his gigantic no-no dong instead of de monie dong and then started making de dragonets once again

moonmoncher was shocked to hear de stuff from her mind reading and banged on their door to try to get them to stop as she could hear all that dong nomming and moaning of de gayying dragons in de bed.

but dey couldn't stop!!! dey mus keep gayying as the kissies were too amazing and awesome!!!

moonmoncher broke in and lectured them on not having sex without skyfire on and they sad like de spongebob :(

but they kissed and gayyed anyways forever :)

de emd 

(not, - me 2024)

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