Hotel room

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finishing up my shower feeling relaxed I stepped out of the shower drying off putting on some pajamas

and then walking out of the bathroom but I  didn't see Tom though, he must have been playing around with his brother around the hotel

So I was alone, I hopped on my bed laying on my stomach trying to find something to watch on the television but it had nothing so I dropped the remote groaning as I rolled on my back

rolling on the remote I didn't realize what I had turned on until I heard the moan of a girl i fell off the bed being on edge as, I rolled again bringing the blanket and the remote and on the floor with me

I was crawling around trying to find the remote  but the only thing that was happening was the noise Turing louder

then I heard the sound of a card being pressed against the door I panicked even more when I finally found the remote I turned down the volume

laying on the floor out of embarrassment until the knob finally turned and Tom came in confused seeing me on the floor and then taking his eyes to the tv I didn't turn it off

"Y/n Where you at" I could hear Tom trying not to laugh a lot 

I grabbed the remote crawling up on the bed staring at him and then staring back at the television turning it off I started at Tom asking him"what Tom?"

He started laughing again more clearly this time"what were you watching I didn't know you were into stuff like that y/n?" Tom said asking smirking at me

My face was red from embarrassment and he could tell "I didn't know I had turned it on be quiet" as I got up I felt his eyes on me

"If you were lonely you could have just waited for me y/n" Tom said as he came closer to me I felt him put his hand around my waist I stared at him asking him

"Do you really think you can get me that easy Tom" as this point Tom was ready to kiss me looking in my eyes and at my lips

I wanted him to be desperate though for  something I pushed him away rolling my eyes

"Go to bed Tom I'm to tired for your little tricks of you trying to have sex with me in hotel room" I said to him as I raised my eyebrows smiling

He started at me "okay y/n but I'm not giving up on you" he said I rolled my eyes laying back on the bed

Tom went into the bathroom to take a shower I  guessed and change I took the remote again turning back on the tv, seeing the girl on the screen with her lover

I cringed looking at it as I turned the Chanel this time Tom showed up it was him at one of interviews the camera was zooming in on him I can't believe I was saying this but he really did look hot

I got back to my thoughts as I heard Tom drop something in the bathroom and immediately changed the Chanel to someone else being interviewed

I didn't know who it was though I sat there for about 10 minutes watching this guy trying to figure it out, until I heard Tom come out of the bathroom

he came out with no shirt and some baggy pants  on I tried to just look at the tv and not focus on Tom he had his hair down I then realized that I've never seen him with his hair down before like  this though

he looked good in some way but I had to look away for he wouldn't catch me checking him out he was the one to usually do that and not me

but the water running down his abs just made me wanna look at him forever, he must have saw me staring this time as her started to talk

"What are you watching this time more porn shit?"Tom said giggling and smiling

I rolled my eyes responding to him "I don't know some guy being interviewed I can't figure out who he is though" Tom went up to the tv where for this time I could see his back muscles

"Yeah I have no clue I don't think I've seen him before" Tom said having one of his hands on his head

I still looked at Tom and somewhat saw the guy on tv "Yeah he's not that shabby looking"I said unamused I looked at how his muscles moved until he turned around to me now seeing his torso again

"Oh so he's hot?"  Tom said asking me walking up to my bed

"He's not sexy or anything but he's not horrible looking" I said ,Tom nodded his head walking back over to his bed 

I started at the tv as I got more bored and I looked over at Tom and he seemed bored also I turned my head back to the tv before groaning looking back at him and Tom turned to look at me smiling

"I'm bored" I said

"Aren't you that one that said you wanted to go to bed y/n?" Tom said raising a eyebrow I smiled a bit looking at him

"Well that changed I wanna do something now" I said back to him

"I might have a idea" Tom said getting up out of his bed a bit more

"Do you really?" I asked him hoping he had one

"Yeah,yeah come on out on some shoes"Tom said before jumping out of bed
I also got up pulling on some sneakers I didn't have to change my outfit wearing some sweatpants and a tank top

He put on some shoes getting up looking at me
"You ready?" He asked me "yeah but aren't you gonna put a shirt on" I asked laughing a bit "no I won't need it" Tom said before walking over to the door i rolled my eyes a bit

As we walked out of the room I followed Tom from behind to the elevators talking to him about some stuff but out of the corner of my eye I saw a group of girls coming over to elevator where we were at

me and Tom walked in and then the girls following in behind us they were giggling in the corner pushing one of there friend's to us I just thought they had a little girl crush on Tom

so I just minded my business staring at the levels going down but the elevator kept stopping for more and more people and it kept getting more cramped

It was to the point where i was almost face to face with Tom until we got to the 2nd level and we stopped again "can you fit one more" some guy said trying to fit in

and then I was against his bare torso and my chest was squished against him
and I could see Tom trying to stare down my shirt I looked at him and pushed his face up at the ceiling

for he would stop looking trying to fix my shirt I could hear him giggling we finally got to are level and people got off and I could finally get some space but that didn't last long

As Tom grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the elevator to the pool doors I was confused as why we were at the pool staring at him from behind as he still dragged me somewhere

I looked around to see some groups of teens at the end of the pool talking, But Tom kept pulling me somewhere what was he planning?

Hii guys I tried to do spacing for it could be better let me know if you liked this chapter!

Word count:1340

This chapter was re done!

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