The pool

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Hi guys sorry I posted this 1 day late I needed some time on this chapter and i hope you enjoy!

I as soon as I knew it Tom was lunging towards the man I tried pulling Tom back down into the seat but he wouldn't budge the man was just staring at Tom scared as he tried to get out his car

I groaned as I reached over for the car door opening it sliding out past Tom then grabbing Toms arm pulling him out the car as hard as I could

Tom was yelling at the guy calling him names I slammed the car door shut and as soon as I did that the guy hit on his pedal flying forward almost hitting someone

I looked back over at Tom and he looked at me catching his breath "was that necessary?" I asked looking at Tom still

"Yes it was that guy was just some old creep trying to have sex with you" I scoffed rolling my eyes as Tom looked confused

"Don't act like you don't try to get in mine ether I'm heading up to the room" I told Tom walking past him into the Hotel I'll be honest it was nice of him but starting all that was just nonsense

Me and Tom both walked over to the elevators Tom being a little bit far behind me, when I heard my name being called "y/n! Y/n!!" I turned my head to see Ada,Ella and Lena I smiled looking over at them

I started walking over to them seemed like they were going to the pools since they were in there bathing suits "hi guys what's up?" I asked smiling at them

"Nothing much we were heading to the pool wanna join us and sorry we left you the paparazzi was going crazy" Ada said putting hers hands in the air I laughed a little smiling

"it's fine me and Tom got a ride, but yeah I'll join y'all I'll just go change and I'll meet y'all wherever I see you sitting!" Ada said okay as her Ella and Lena walked away I started walking back over to the elevators

Pushing the button to the elevator I waited as I saw Tom walking over I groaned just hopping the elevator would be faster but it wasn't

Tom came over next to me as he started to say something before stopping himself and then trying again

But the elevator came down opening before he got another word out I walked in the elevator Turing around then looking back at Tom to see him staring at me

I sighed "you gonna come?" I asked him he nodded his head walking in the elevator

I pushed are floor number the elevator kept going up as me or Tom didn't speak a word to each other but the elevator came to a stop I walked out first Tom following me from behind I grabbed the key card out of my pocket using it to open the door

As soon as I opened the door I walked over to my bag grabbing a swim suit (and whatever else you want) I marched over to the bathroom closing and locking it

I stared in the mirror then looking down at my sunglass that were next to the sink staring down at the swimsuit in my hands
(Don't have to wear it u can wear something else )

Maybe this would calm me down? Yeah let me get changed and then tan I took off my clothes shoes,socks changing into my bikini I got when I was shopping around today i adjusted the bottoms a little before taking my clothes on the floor grabbing my ...

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Maybe this would calm me down? Yeah let me get changed and then tan I took off my clothes shoes,socks changing into my bikini I got when I was shopping around today i adjusted the bottoms a little before taking my clothes on the floor grabbing my sunglasses off the bathroom counter before opening the door I walked over to my side of the room throwing my clothes over at my bag

I slid on some flip flops and then turned over to Tom where he was looking at me mouth opened but he saw me looking so he looked down closing his mouth again

I laughed a bit but not loud enough for Tom to hear "I'm heading down to the pool Ada and the girls are down there so I'll see you later"

He nodded his head looking up at me again I turned around walking to the door opening it and then closing it shut that had to be the most awkward talk I've ever had with Tom

I shook it off me though heading over to the elevators where other people were waiting

The elevator doors opened after 2 minutes and everyone was heading in including me I was just in the back of the elevator but we kept stopping at floors and I was getting more squished into the back of some guy he smelled of sweat and I was holding my nose and moving my head to the side of me begging for the elevator to stop

But more people started getting on and I was squished with this guy i couldn't hold my breath any longer but we finally came to the 1st floor where everyone started to move I quickly pushed past the guy and everyone else catching my breath and then heading over to the pool looking for one of the girls

But my eye caught them in a shady spot laying down talking I walked over to them sitting on the chair Ella turned her head to me smiling "there she is" Ella said I smiled at her "ugh I was squished against some sweaty guy in the elevator it was disgusting I was gasping for air when I walked out of the elevator" they all started to laugh at me I rolled my eyes Lena pointed out some guy walking out with a donut

"Was that him?" Lena said still laughing Ella was hiding her face in her knees while she laughed and Ada was holding onto my knee gasping for air

This guy was huge had messy hair and was sweating so much I looked back over to Lena as she stared at me with a raised eyebrow staring at me

"In fact it was him" I said looking at Lena the girls started to laugh even louder causing some people to look especially the guy Ada was pretty much on the floor with her hand still on my knee

I stared at them like they were some idiots "well I'm gonna go for a swim" I said getting up Ada's hand fell off my knee going onto the floor where she already was

I slid off my flip flops walking over to the stairs to head into the pool I stepped in swimming a little bit more out on my back and then going under I came back up pushing my hair back

I could feel some eyes on me I looked around for a moment and then looked up a bit to see a lifeguard chair and some blonde guy with long hair and some blue eyes

he was pretty tan and wasn't bad looking he had his sunglasses down as he stared at me I rolled my eyes a little before swimming a round a little bit more he started to do his job again but he was still looking a few times there and then

But I finally started swimming back over to the stairs as my fingers started to wrinkle a bit I wanted to put on a little show before going back over to my seat

I went underwater, swimming until I saw the stairs come into view I came back up some other people staring I pulled my bikini bottoms a bit and then rubbing my hands up my torso slowly  and then back down

I walked over to my group swaying my hips a little i grabbed my towel putting it around me before sitting down I looked over to my side to see Ada staring at me

"You know what you were doing" she said smiling at my raising her eyebrows I smiled at her I did know what I was doing.

Hi everyone hope you enjoyed I am gonna be working on the 1st few chapters it's gonna take me time though because I'm pretty sure it's 3 I have to edit so I don't know if I will post a chapter I might but depends on my schedule and with the other chapters!

Word count:1406

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