A wondrous picnic (Prologue)

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Wally was walking around the neighborhood getting ready for the picnic. He had been ready for a while, but the setup time was in a few minutes and he didn't have what was needed to set up.

Wally had decided on bringing a large basket of apples to the neighborhood picnic. Everyone was attending, so he decided to bring a lot of apples, he also knew that was most likely the only thing he would eat.

He continued to walk around the neighborhood until he made it back to the front of Home. "Oh, hello Home!" Wally said to Home. Home creaked a happy door as a response. Wally looked up at the sky to see where the sun was. It was right in the center of the sky. "Well Home, I'm off to the picnic!" Wally said happily. Wally then carefully trotted off to the picnic area.


At some point during the picnic, Sally had took out a music player and most of them had started dancing. Frank and Eddie were dancing the box dance together, Sally and Julie were spinning around together in circles, Howdy and Poppy were mainly just standing and watching, but they both had a bit of a bop to their heads. Wally and Barnaby were talking with each other on the blanket. Barnaby didn't really want to dance because he was very full from the amount of food there was at the picnic.

"Ay Wally, what was this place like when you were younger?" Barnaby asked Wally. To Barnaby, it was a completely innocent question, as it should have been, but to Wally? It was one of the worst things he could hear. Wally didn't want to remember when he was younger. He didn't want to remember Roy, Robin, Harry, any of the 'teachers', or what happened at all.

"That's a wonderful question Barnaby! Though unfortunately, I can't remember..." Wally trailed off with his lie. He felt bad for lying to his best friend, and Wally hated liars, but it was sometimes necessary. "Though I believe that it looked the same, just without all my neighbors!" Wally continued. "Really? Was Home already here?" Barnaby asked. "Hmmm," Wally pondered, "I think so.. but like I said, I can't really remember all that well."

Wally was starting to get aggravated with all of the questions about his past. Why couldn't Barnaby just understand that he didn't want to talk about it? Wally didn't realize Julie trotting over until she jumped onto the blanket. "Hi Barnaby! Hi Wally! What are you two talking about?!" Julie asked energetically. "I was just askin' Wally what this place was like when he first got 'ere." Barnaby answered. "Oh yeah! What was it like Wally?" Julie asked. Though it was to Wally, Barnaby answered instead. "He can't remember what it was like when he was younger." "Oh Wally, I have an idea! We could try to find something from when you first came to Home to jog your memory!" Julie answered innocently.

"NO. I WILL NOT REMEMBER!" Wally shouted at the two. Wally decided that he had had enough of the questions. Wally quickly stood up and began to run back to Home.

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