Chaper 1

277 10 2

My first real fanfic so please don't hate. I suck at grammar and all that junk.
I don't own anything 😭

Clary POV

"Clary! Where's my breakfast?!" Valentine said. I sighed and looked at the clock.

"Whoa!" I yelled. I was going to be late for school.

I got up in my small room and got dress.

I quickly put on a blue t-shirt and jeans with sneakers and quickly put make up over my faded bruises and scars.

I pulled my bright red curly hair into a ponytail.

"CLARY!" Shit! I forgot Valentine. I ran down stairs and started breakfast.

Valentine walked into the kitchen of our small dump you call a home. I put on a fake smile

"Good morning father" I said sweetly.

He scowled at me and raised his hand, I tried to move but it was to late he already smacking me across the face.

I cluched my now red cheek and fell onto the floor.

"You were late this morning!" A kick to the stomach "you worthless" kick "pieces of" kick "shit!" Kick.

"You're the reason she left! You're the reason why your mother left me! You look just like her too!"

I just sat there getting kicked, I knew what would happen. If I laded still he would stop soon and leave, but he didn't this time.

He grabbed a knife and I knew I had to get out of there. I got up and started to run but he caught my hand and pulled me back.

"Stop!" I yelled but he had already sliced a gash across my face. I didn't wait a second.

I grabbed my backpack and run out the door.

Once I got to school I quickly ran into the bathroom and tried to cover up my now red and dried blood face.

I took out my hair band and pulled at my hair till it caused a curtain of hair around my face.

I walked out of the bathroom and went to my locker.

"Clary!" Someone yelled across the hall

I turned my head to see my best friend, well my only friend.

Simon came running down the hall to me, his over grown brown hair flapping has he ran.

Simon was my best friend, he's the only one that can make me smile. One day in 2 grade I fell and Simon helped me to the nurse and threw a tantrum when the nurse said he had to leave,

To this day Simon has been by my side helping with all of my bulling at school, I tell him everything...

Everything but my father. I don't want him to worry about me all the time so I keep it to myself.

"What's up shorty!" He said as he pulled up his thick glasses.

I punches his shoulder "Don't call me that!" I said as he held his shoulder

"Okay okay sorry, whoa, what happened to your face?!" he asked

"Well jee thanks Simon! You really know how to sweet talk a girl!" I rolled my eyes.

"No! I didn't mean it like that- I mean your pretty clary- I just- um- I'm going to go now" he said as he walked away.

The bell rang and I was late great, my other class was half was across campus.

I ran down the hall until I hit a brick wall, great just what I need. And then the wall moved... Wait what?!

All my stuff fell around me as the wall of flesh caught me as I fell to the ground, I yelped.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?!" The wall the flesh said

"Ya I'm fine" I said then I looked at the boy said. 'Boy' isn't the right word for it, more like god.

He had golden hair and eyes that can stare into your soul.

His big arms were around my waist as he pulled me upright.

"Thanks" I mumbled and went to pick up my stuff.

Before I could pick up all my stuff he picked up my sketch book.

"Hey! Stop!" I yelled but he was already looking through my drawings.

"These are good little red" he said

"My names not 'little red'." I meant to yell back but it came out in a mumble.

"Here." He said and have me back my book.

"I'm Jace, Jace lightlood, hey what happened to your face?" He asked

I covered my face and hung my head low.

I couldn't let anyone find out so I turned around and walked away.

Jace didn't follow me which was good. I made my way back to class.

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