Chapter 4

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Bare with me..... The good parts are coming soon

I don't own anything😭

Clary POV

As Izzy, Simon, and me walk into the lunch room we grab our lunch and seat down.

I seat down next to Jace and Simon.

"Does the food always look this good?" Jace said pointing to my plate of school pizza.

I frown, " I don't know, I don't eat lunch." I say.

Jace frowns and little. " No wonder you're so tiny." Jace said.

I remember the last time I ate lunch, it was about 2 years ago. It started when my dad started to call me "fatty" and

Now I only eat breakfast, If even that.

"Awww come one red, you can't take just one bite?" Jace said

"No." I responded we a straight face.

"Pleeeeeaassssseeeeeee!" Jace said like a 5 year old.

"No" I said again

"Clary" he said with a very stern look.

"If I take a bite will shut up?" I ask

"Yes" he said smiling.

I take a tiny bite and try my hardest not to vomit.

Jace smiles to himself and take the pizza from me and starts eating it. Rude.

I look around to see everyone staring at us. I turn bright red and pull my hair in front of my face.

Then a boy with black hair like Izzy and bright blue eyes comes and sits by Jace.

"Hey Jace, Izzy, random people I don't know." He said.

"Alec, this is Simon and Clary." said Izzy

"Hi" was all he said before he turned to Jace.

"They're having football tryouts tomorrow, you in?"

"Sure." Jace shrugged.

"So Clary, we need to get together for our project. Is today after school fine?" Jace asked.

"Sure" was all I got to say before someone walked up to Jace and sat on his lap practically stuffing her boobs in his face.

"Well hello there" Aline prr'ed as if it was sexy but it just sounded like a cat dying.

"I'm Aline and you should go out with me tonight." She said dragging her finger down his face.

"Um, no thank you, besides I have a date ready with Clary. Jace said while pushing her off his lap not to gently.

"You're having a Jace with this trap?! Ugh!!" She screamed causing the whole lunch room to go dead silent.

Before I could process anything, Aline poured her soda all over me.

I got up and ran, I could hear people laughing but most importantly I could hear Jace calling out my name but right now I didn't care, I just ran.

I saw a flash of black and then I was falling to ground. I shut up eyes waiting for the impact, but it didn't happen.

'Wow is anyone else feeling really bad déjà vu right now?' I thought.

"Are you okay?" Someone asked.

I looked up to see someone holding me a inch away from the floor.

"Ya I'm fine." I said staring into his dark black eyes.

He pulls and up and says "I'm Sebastian, and you're Clary right?" He asked.

This was the football star, every girl wanted to date him cause, well, he's hot.

"Um, yes." I mumbled quietly know I was probably blushing like crazy.

"Hope I see you around Clary. He smiled and walked away stealing glances at me.

Then it hit me, I have soda in my hair, great.

I walked into the girl bathroom and locked the door so no one else could get in.

I washed my hair and out in the sink and hoped for the best.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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