Chapter 1: Welcome Home

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You looked around as if you were in a dream, the colorful and bright landscape almost mesmerizing to you.

Somehow, you don't remember much before you arrived, or how you arrived.

Where you were from, if you have any relatives, if you had an occupation...

All you remember are the more personable things about you.

Your name, your favorite colors, hobbies, tastes... but everything else... poof!


Though, because you didn't know what you were missing, you didn't feel sad about it in particular.

Just a sort of empty-spot where it once lied, the constant reminder of your amnesia confusing you.

'Do I miss it?' you thought, looking around at the colorful trees, 'It'd be hard for whatever I'm forgetting to beat this though...'


Peeking around the general store you are hiding at the corner of, you take notes of the individuals walking around.

The last thing you'd want to do is embarrass yourself in front of these new people!

"Frank! Lookie, I caught one!" The pink-skinned girl with blonde locks said, twirling before stopping and showing the other gray puppet the net she was holding.

That gray person must be Frank.

Odd, he's probably the only gray thing you can see!

"Julie, that is a leaf." Frank said, crossing his arms, "Butterflies flap, they don't float."

You smiled at their antics. It seemed like they were best friends!

Where could the other townspeople be?

Another person appeared, leaving the postal office next door with a bag of mail. Standing very still, you wonder how he hasn't seen you, your appearance standing off the medium-blue general store's walls.

'He must be the mail-man!' You thought, watching him place letters and packages in mailboxes, some boxes having to be set outside of doorways due to not fitting in the mail boxes.

You nodded, beginning to understand the dynamic of the town you were observing more.

Just as you were about to go back to focusing on the two best friends a little more and their butterfly catching, someone turned the corner and bumped into you, the force of their turn slamming you onto the ground.

"Oh dear! I'm so sorry, I couldn't see you behind the corner!" The large green caterpillar man says, dropping a large crate of apples.

Dropping the crate to help you up, it tips over, the apples spilling out and rolling around.

"Ah! No, it's my fault!" You said, frantically picking up the apples as they rolled about, "I shouldn't be hiding behind walls- I- I'm just a little lost!"

He easily picked up the other apples, placing them into the crate along with yours and picking it back up.

"I'm sure we'd be more than happy to help! Where do you come from, stranger?" He asks, beginning to place the apples in the outdoor display box.

You begin to help him stack them, as a sort-of apology for bumping into him in the first place.

"Uh, that's actually the funny part. I've got no clue... I can't seem to remember anything." You said, a feeling of concern filling your gut.

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