Chapter 2: 'B' stands for Bonding

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The door to the blue polka-dotted house was tall, and so was the house. 

'This neighbor must be as tall as Poppy...' You thought, knocking on the door with a knock, knock, knock!

Hearing a cacophony of gadgets and crashes inside as the neighbor inside stumbled on over, the door opened suddenly to reveal a large blue dog.

"Well hey'a! I've never seen you 'round these parts. Maybe my eyesight is goin' bad, ha!" The large dog laughed, "Do you have a name, stranger, or do I need ta' give you one?"

You shook your head, "No no, your eyesight is fine, I'm new here! I also already have a name, you can call me Y/N! You must be Barnaby!"

"Barnaby B. Beagle in the flesh! Er- Fur!" he laughed, "The 'B' stand for Big!"

You smiled, digging into the basket to pull out the box of beignets that matched him, handing it over.

"Aw... is this all for lil' ol' me?" He joked.

"Huh? Oh! Not to worry, don't tell anyone, but Poppy packed extra for you." You whispered that last part.

Barnaby took his free big paw and ruffled your hair, messing it up completely.

"I'm jus' kiddin'! Go on, it'd be a shame if the rest gone cold because of me! Cold treats would be tears to their... ice!" He laughed, thinking his pun was hilarious.

You snickered, turning and waving bye to the large blue beagle as he closed the door, returning your wave.

Two neighbors to go, but... three boxes? That's odd... Maybe you're missing someone?

You'll have to ask Wally once you land at his place with his treat.


Stopping in front of a rainbow colored house with star-spangled curtains, you gave three knocks on the door, hearing loud singing coming from inside.

The singing quickly stops as you hear the pitter-patter of fast footsteps towards the door, as it violently swings open.

"Goodness, who must you be?! Oh how exciting! I must incorporate you a role in some of my play ideas! Shooting stars, where is that notepad?!" She says, turning around to go fetch the notepad.

You swiftly grabbed her sleeve, stopping her before quickly letting go.

"Sorry! That was rude of me! I- Here! I didn't want you to go without getting your treat from Poppy!" You said apologetically.

She laughs, picking up the treat box and opening it before you, "Wow'za! Beignets! Good thing you stopped me, I would'a got caught up in my stage-play writing!"

You nodded, looking down at the basket before looking back up at her as she begun to speak again.

"So! You movin' in somewhere, stranger?" She asked.

"Gosh I gotta stop forgetting to introduce myself... I'm Y/N L/N! Wally was kind enough to host Home until my place is all built." You replied.

"That there makes a lot of sense, Y/N! He is the friendliest neighbor in town after all! Must be your last stop seein' how you only got two boxes in there left, Poppy sure is good at matching gifts!" She said happily shoving one of the beignets from her box into her mouth.

"Shee-ya meighbor!" She waved you farewell, her mouth full as she spoke, closing the door with a slam.

You took a deep breath, trying to adjust the hair on your head that Barnaby messed up.

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