Chapter 1

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The marvelous city, land of sun and heat, with one of the most beautiful urban skylines in the world. This is the city of New York, where our story takes place. Deep in the heart of New York City lies a newly-opened pizzeria loved by all, where everyone comes to dine and taste on the famous recipes served... at Turtletoing.

When one of the turtles opened a restaurant, people were quick to drop by, wondering if it tasted good. After all, were heroes in a half-shell good at cooking? Even something like making pizza? Well the answer was yes. People were quick to return because somehow, it was the best thing they ever tasted.

"The best restaurant to dine in." Say the most sophisticated of customers. Five star ratings from all types of pizza critics. Amongst all the chatter, 'Chef' Hamato "Toing" Michelangelo is seen in the kitchen, always preparing for the next customer with his exotic and delicate taste, using his knowledge of pizza making.

"Ah! Our pizza is here! It looks as good as the last time all right." A cloaked customer says, rubbing his hands and wiggling his fingers.

The waitress, a red-haired woman places the dish down, before replying, "Hot and ready, sir! Hope we didn't make you two wait!"

"Ah, of course, you did not. We knew it would be well-made, everybody around the city keeps on mentioning how good the food here tastes." Said the other customer, who seemed to be talking with his stomach rather than his head. Well, that's what hunger does to you.

The other continued, "That is correct, we were just dying to get here. My stomach was already getting hungry by the time we planned to come here again. Give my compliments to the pizzaiolo."

The lady nodded, "Will do! Chef Michelangelo loves compliments."

"I'd also like to order a Hawaiian to-go." The customer said abruptly.

She nods, writing the order down on a notepad.

"Alright, now relax and enjoy your pizza." Was her final response.

As the waitress retreated to the other side of the pizzeria, the two individuals began to eat the pizza served, one taking off his mask and the other shoving the food down his stomach. The seemingly larger of the two gave a hum of affirmation, seeming to enjoy his pizza slice.

"See Krang? I told you the pizza here was good... TOO good, even."

The larger customer, who was actually an alien in disguise, looked up towards the other, "Not now you metal-faced menace, you ordered Hawaiian because you knew I disliked it, by the way, I thought it was customary on this unfortunate planet not to eat with your mouth open?"

With that, the 'metal-faced menace' quickly chewed and swallowed. "You're just mad that my choice of where to eat was clearly superior to yours! Even if it does belong to one of the turtles!" He said, accusingly pointing at Krang using the pizza table.

"Enough of this nonsense, Shredder, can't we have a nice outing without an argument for once!? Just let us enjoy this oh, so marvelous, pizza. I get it, you already knew this place would have 'good' food, you don't have to rub it in my face."

The first cloaked figure, now known as Shredder, rolled his eyes, "And what a face it is."

And with a glare sent his way, the two quickly went back to eating, savoring the flavor.

Across the restaurant, the waitress stood taking another order, "I think I'll just order pineapple pizza.. wait no! Maybe cheese would be good..." She rolled her eyes. Some customers would act like this. They usually ended up taking whatever she suggested, so she defaulted to cheese pizza. "What do you think I should order?" There it is.

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