Chapter 2

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Michelangelo came back to the lair to find no one awake. Perhaps waking up one of them and tell them of his whereabouts would solve any future questions.

He violently shook Raphael and said, "Raphael, I'll be back later."

Raphael sleepily whacked Michelangelo's hand away and muttered something about shutting his trap. With one knowing, he took it as a sign that he should return back to April and Mondo before he wasted more time, but not before pulling out costumes they always used for this occasion. It was a set of cheap spy costumes, with night vision goggles, a grappling hook and walky-talkies.

He ran to their location, the last thing he wanted to do was miss gathering this, there wouldn't be enough of the it to last tomorrow, and then he'd be done for! Nobody really knew how much Michelangelo relied on this top secret ingredient he used. He loved his pizzas, he loved his pizzas with their weird combinations, and he knew his turtle pals did too. April and just about everyone else however never got within a 5-foot radius of his pizzas willingly.

It all started when he stumbled upon the secret ingredient in the first place. People often say "Don't eat things that have been on the ground" but Michelangelo has 2 counterclaims, trying new things was also something people have pointed to, and also the 5-second rule, which he would turn into 5-hour if need be.

It was a coincidence that he managed to convince April to try it when he actually used the secret ingredient, when April said she loved it, it was a pleasant surprise! But he knew it was due to this new ingredient he had found. That's why even though he tried to hide it, he really needed the ingredient to keep Turtletoing going.

Before he knew it, Michelangelo ran back where April and Mondo were waiting for him, crashing straight into both of them.

"Well hello to you again!" Mondo said, April huffed and stood up, shaking the dust off her, "Well did they say anything?"

"Nada, they were totally asleep! I guess it was an early night for them. Now, don't worry, I brought our super cool spy gear for the mission! If we're quick enough, we can catch our.. 5 hours of rest!" Mondo replied with a quiet nice as he and Michelangelo high-fived.

April rubbed her eyes, this night was going to be longer than they expected.

"How generous! 5 whole hours!" Mondo said in a tone that April thinks is too happy to be sarcasm. She crossed her arms, "I can't help but keep asking, why do we need "super cool spy gear"? Our location is just another pizza place, the supply station of the pizza place to be more specific. Plus, I'm pretty sure these are just adult-sized kid costumes." He gasped, "April! These are top edition suits! We look totally tubular wearing these! Plus it helps us sneak to temporarily borrow a boat better, considering the pizzeria is on an ISLAND." Michelangelo replied, putting emphasis on the "island".

"I second that! I look way cooler with spy gear on." Mondo replied, hand raised in the air in agreement.

Little did they know, their conversation was being overheard by Shredder and Krang.

"So this amazing ingredient of theirs is on an island... It must be the nearest one from here."

"That blasted turtle and his friends will have no idea what hit them once we find out where exactly their supply is!" Shredder boasted in determination, fists shaking with excitement.

"Keep your voice down knucklehead!" Krang said as he bonked Shredder's head, then grabbed it and turned it to their direction, "You'll alert them!"

As if on queue, April asked, "Hey, did you boys hear anything?", facing the direction of an alley a few feet away from them.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. April, you're not going to scare us to get out of this, we need our super mondo secret ingredient!"

"That's not- Oh what's the use?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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