Chapter 6

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This is the first time that I am writing something 15+ .
So , please let me know if you liked it or not .❤️


He pulled me up still sucking my cheek and lingering his lips there . It was the second kiss on the same day and I wasn't experienced much so I just let him lead me .

After kissing my right cheek , he put his lips on my left cheek and he tightened his hold on my waist while pulling me up to his chest and the kiss became heated and my heart beat rose to its maximum . I groaned and grabbed the back of his hair while pulling him closer .

All the rational thoughts flew off my mind and he pulled apart while still holding me up to his chest . We were standing in front of each other and our chest rises simultaneously. I blushed under his heated gaze and looked everywhere but at him .

Few second later he grabbed my chin and made me look at him . His breath taking grey orbs captivated me and he bend down coming dangerously close to my lips and his warm breath fell on my lips making me shiver in pleasure .

I stumbled backwards due to week knees and my back touched the window . I placed on my weight on it and Abhimanyu kissed me all over my face , starting from , eyes , nose , cheeks and chin leaving my lips .

It was a new experience for me and I had to say that I kind of enjoyed it . I liked how his mere touch evokes sparks on my body and butterflies flutter in my stomach.

Once when I was reading a mature novel , there was descriptive kissing scene where the writer had written the feeling experienced by the female lead and at time I had thought that it was quite exaggerated but now I know how it felt to be kissed .

After accepting the marriage proposal I had a thought to backout as I suddenly felt nervous and couldn't accept the reality of being the married woman . I was so agitated thinking about my future life with Abhimanyu that I had trouble in sleeping at that night.

My closest person is dad but when it comes to marriage he seems to be hesitant so I didn't share my fear with him which made me to bury myself in sketching .

After few days my mom seemed to have noticed my behaviour and she came to talk me about her marriage life . She told me about how my dad pursued her when hadn't thought about marrying and how much he supported her whenever she decided to do something.

She told me that in marriage life the most important thing is trust and if we believe in our partner then only our marriage will survive the mountains of obstacles .

And to gain something we need to lose something , so I need to think about his feelings and make him happy. That doesn't mean I need to sacrifice myself whole but if my partner is willing then I need to work hard too.

She also had told me about the harsh reality of marriage life and said it wouldn't be full of roses but with roses and thorns . There would nmbe happy and sad moments and I couldn't cower away if experienced sadness as I am the one who had made the choice.

It's whatever human experience and I am not different . All my life I had been pampered by my dad and lived in the sanctuary of their love but now it's my time to explore a new world with the guy , the husband I had chosen.

My mom had known Abhimanyu since his childhood and she assured me that he would take good care of me. He would never hurt me in any way and give me the happiness I deserve.

I still remember the look she had on when she talked about Abhimanyu and her words made me realize that every bride would be anxious while thinking about her married life . And I don't know why all of a sudden I had thought that but now when I am with Abhimanyu , all my nervousness has vanished.

He then carried me in princess style while walking towards the bed . Then he placed me on the bed and sat down beside me .

" Akshu !" Abhimanyu whispered staring intensely at me and pulled me on his lap.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and he ran his hand through my waist length hair making me to grip his cloth closing my eyes .

" Abhimanyu " I croaked out feeling his hands caressing my hair on the back .

" Akshu ! My wife , I love you." He confessed making me startled and I opened my eyes to be greeted by his breath taking smile .

He pecked on my forehead with a mesmerising grin and continued speaking ." You don't know how much I have waited for this day to come . And when I saw you walking on the aisle wearing the wedding lehenga dress , I was confirmed that you are the love of my life ."

" I ... I am the happiest man alive on this earth that you have become my wife . I promise to love and respect you for my whole life . His hoarse voice along with his heartfelt thoughts made it impossible for me to resist his charm and I pecked his cheek .

I don't know whether I love him or not but I know that he is the first guy with whom I feel a different kind of emotion .

And that's the reason why I agreed to marry him and I believe that he will make me fall harder for him.


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