Chapter 10

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" Honeymoon " I voiced out sounding uncertain and we stopped in front of the chopper.

" Yeah. We are going to our honeymoon which will last for a week." Abhimanyu said helping me climb on the chopper and he too climbed up and sat next to me.

" Hmm." I mumbled turning around to pull the safety belt buy Abhimanyu pulled it out for me and he checked the belt carefully before clasping it around me.

" When your husband is here , you don't need to do anything , my love. you just need to accompany me." Abhimanyu said tucking the strand of hair behind my ear and my heart skipped a beat.

I paused for a second while recollecting myself and looked up at his face where our eyes met. His eyes were full of endless doting and it wouldn't be a lie to say that he would spoil me for our entire lifetime.

This is what I have wanted from my future husband and now my husband being so sweet to me I couldn't help but feel blessed. And it's first time in many years that I don't feel uncomfortable while conversing with someone other than my family.

I don't know why I can talk so freely around him as I have been talking with him since ages while I usually shy away when I had to prolong the conversation .

And the odd thing is that he seemed to know everything about me. Today at my breakfast table , he made me my favourite pancakes with the correct amount of sweetness and the wedding dress which he had selected was designed on the basis of his instructions which was exactly how I had wanted the dress to be.

But how can he know everything about me when we have met only twice? My brother who is his best friend wouldn't tell him as he too had supported dad when I had accepted the marriage proposal.

" Mr and Mrs Birla , we are ready to take off." The pilot interrupted my thoughts and I tear my gaze away from my husband's face .

Then the chopper started flying and I held Abhimanyu's hand subconsciously. When I realized my action it was too late to pull away as Abhimanyu had interwined our hands together.

" Where are you taking me ? " I asked while out from the window.

" It's a surprise my love ." He whispered near my ear and I gave a side glance to him.

He looked at me with a silly grin plastered on his face and I knew better to ask him I kept quiet looking outside the window and after an hour or so the chopper descended to land on the runway.

" We have landed Mr Birla " the pilot voice out opening the door.

" Let's go." Abhimanyu said opening the safety belt and I nodded getting up from the seat.

Abhimanyu helped me to get off the chopper and I saw six black BMW parked in a row . Men wearing black suits were standing around and a black sedan was parked in the front.

A man was standing beside it with a stoic expression when he saw us walking forward , he walked forward . He was nowhere as handsome as my husband but he gave an odd vibe.

Like danger.

" Boss. Madame" he greeted formally stopping in front of us and Abhimanyu nodded waiting for him to continue .

" Everything is under our control . It's safe here." The man reported standing aside and I couldn't understand their rigid words.

" Hmm." Abhimanyu muttered walking us towards the car.

" Boss. Madame " the driver whom I recognised due to his uniform greeted us once we approached the black sedan and he opened the passenger side door for us.

Abhimanyu gave a glance at him and indifferently held the door while gesturing me to get inside. The driver sounded quite nervous so I looked at him to see him sweating .it was near dawn so the weather seems slight cooler but he was sweating profusely and seemed afraid.

Is he afraid of me ?

I shook my head dismissing the thought and I found Abhimanyu glaring at the poor driver . Now I know why the driver seemed flustered and sounded nervous .

" Abhimanyu !" I called shaking our joined hands and my gaze goes to the black BMW'S parked at the back . Abhimanyu too followed my gaze and looked at the men in black suits .

The men bowed looking at us and I felt awkward .so I gave once a look at them and entered the car. Abhimanyu followed me along with the driver and the man who had greeted us sat on the co - driver seat .

I glanced at the man for a while and the driver started the car when two of the BMW rode ahead of us. I felt ABHIMANYU 's gaze on me and turned to him with a smile plastered on my face .

" Rohan , you are not going to introduce yourself to your madam ." I heard Abhimanyu spoke pulling me into his arms .

" Sorry Madame . I am Rohan Agarwal , subordinate of boss ." The man whose name is Rohan introduced himself facing me and I awkwardly nodded trying to sit straight.

" Abhimanyu ! " I hissed lowering my voice as low as possible but my husband wasn't willing to free me .

I pinched his arm looking at the men in front of us and felt embarrassed when the driver nervously sneaked a glance through the rear view mirror .

" Ouch " Abhimanyu yelled still holding me tighter and I gave up looking at the shameless man.

" We are husband and wife . Don't need to mind them." Abhimanyu said if they have no emotion and I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

" Where are we? This time you need to tell me ." I pouted my lips acting cute but he laughed making me glare at him .

" I am taking you to the north of the Birla private island . It's going to be our love best for a whole week . And get ready to have fun love ." Abhimanyu whispered the last part and nipped at my ear making my face heat up and I buried my face in his chest while his chuckle resounded in the car .


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Their honeymoon phase loading 😍

P.s. I always add an Abhira picture before the chapter , how is it ?❤️

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