15-Beginning of Chapter 5

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She crawled free from his embrace, and stared at the man asleep against her belly, his cheeks wet from her arousal. It made her wince, but he didn't seem to mind, nuzzling against her as if she were a pillow from the gods. Genuinely delighted, there was a smile on the corners of his bubble lips, and the soft pink strands of his hair curled with the humidity, tickling her navel.

There was smugness in the upturn of Helios's lips. And she couldn't quite stop the shiver that erupted through her when his tongue darted out—rude and arrogant, to lap at the corners of his lips as if to taste the remains of her.

A soft groan left his throat, and she felt the urge to dart a thumb down his cheek and stroke the swell of pink.

Outside, the storm began to dwindle. And the wind, cold and ever so cruel swept over her naked flesh reminding her that the Omega in her arms was no dashing lover. Quinn paled, and felt her heart stammer for reasons that were not lust.

He was her murderer.

She had to pull him off her, was confused by his lack of reaction when she manhandled his body out of her arms. She'd assumed he'd want more, had felt him hard and thick against her belly and yet Cas had fallen asleep once she came, fucked out as if her orgasms were all he needed in life.

And perhaps it was with her pleasure feeding his belly.

She wiped herself off his face, provided a form of aftercare that she believed he deserved. She cleaned him the best she could with wet wipes purchased from the store, avoiding everywhere sensitive. Then tried to ignore lips that were juicy, succulent, and seductive, trembling as they begged for a twisted kiss. His caramel remained, heavy and delicious in the air.

An Omega, she bit her lips, was truly a dangerous being even for a Beta.

Once again, she considered blissful escape, stared towards the storm, at soft rain that scattered upon the sand. Then groaned pitifully at how fucking kind-hearted she was because there was no way she could leave him in the cave. Alone.

Quinn would have to take him home and pray that his mates would not find them before dawn.

"Do you think he's lying?" she'd whispered to her inanimate robots. "That he doesn't know who I am?"

She glanced into Float, observed her face through the application; looked past the mask that dulled into a soft blue glow. Helios knew Euodia with long locks of hair (that she'd cut short and scraggly with pieces of glass), and with a thin, slender body that did not know the sun and the hardships of a wasteland.

But there was no hiding the beauty mark under her eye, or the shape of her lips, or the hollow weight of her deep-set eyes.

With rippling muscle on a limber frame. Euodia had the glossiest head of coal-dark hair and pupils so black they seemed to consume. She was a tall figure with a thick, heavy mass of strength. And each curve and twist of a tapered waist and generous breasts alluded to sexuality that Quinn's old body did not have.

The world worked in strange ways, but Euodia appeared like a muscular more beautiful version of Quinn. But her body was stained with sin, dripping toxic from every corner of her being. Quinn's soul might not have wronged, but the body she'd stolen had, and that made everything Euodia had done Quinn's burden to bear.

"He should know that it's me," she bit her lips, "but I could just tell him I'm a convincing doppelganger. Or a very distant cousin. Besides, he doesn't have proof. He wouldn't know since Euodia is missing a heart and parts of her limbs, right?"

Her robots didn't answer, quietly spluttering through their malfunction.

The last of the rain dripped from the corners of the cave just as she completed their maintenance, pushing the motorized vehicle into the darkness of the blue hour. She stepped out of the shelter, felt the last of the drizzle, wet on her skin. The sigh that escaped her was halted by the pile just outside the cave. Her technology swiftly went alive at the possibility of a threat. Arms raised ready to strike, she approached.

It was a corpse, bulging and fat; it was swollen with gas and had the ghastly pallor of a dead fish. Its tongue so round it seemed to gag on it, the muscle thick in his throat. Its body was twisted unnaturally, and it smelled of rot and waste. She noted, lips twisting at the bite on its belly, teeth marks that dug into flesh oozing with dark, languid blood.

Its eyes were milky, blind, empty and dripping from the socket was the memories of its last hour alive.

Whoever it was, female or male, there were wings on its back, and the bites were no simple radioactive animal. It had been nibbled on by one of the Lonely. The monster was close, and she noticed now the snag of feathers on twigs, the scent of blood, and the track of a heavy foot. She stepped back, growing pale, and saw the corpse's parallel to Helios.

Helios, dead and bloated with rotting gas because of her.

It was fey.

The hoverbike was singing softly over the rocks when she hoisted Helios up upon the seat, dressed in one of her sweaters. Well-loved loungewear that she had to painstakingly cut holes out of for his humongous wings. He roused quickly, lashes fluttering lazily as he tried to look at her.

"Head start, you promised me a head start," she reminded him yet again, felt the need to justify her actions. "This is just thanks for the orgasm, but I hope you remembered your promise." She felt his quiver, his wings vibrating as he stared up at her with golden eyes that grew full with a dilated pupil.

"Where are we?" he slurred, seeming drunk and yet his eyes quickly formed cat-like slits. "Who are you, pretty girl?" he groaned, shuddered against her back. "I haven't seen a girl in...Five years," he smiled, lips twisting, as she strapped him down to her body. She didn't need him falling out of the bike and scraping his knees.

"Good to know," she answered, felt his intoxication in the largeness of his pupils. She looked away before he could bewitch her further. "We've only got hot girls and old men out here in the wasteland, if you'd like to see more you should visit for the holidays."

"I only want you," the murmur was husky but enthusiastic. He seemed a little desperate, as he leaned closer. But she ignored him quickly fiddling with the levers and the buttons to start the engine of her vehicle.

"You're only obsessed with me because you haven't seen a girl in five years." She rolled her eyes.

"I can still taste you on my tongue," he purred, unafraid to ask for more, "can we go again?" He wriggled his hips, and squirmed against her back. His scent bellowed out of him, deepened with a bolder flavour that she understood was his lust. "I'll eat you out." She'd call him a generous lover if she didn't know that he craved her orgasms.

"I said once, yeah?" she raised a brow, a blush blooming across her cheek. "Thought you'd want me to suck you off, but you fell asleep." The thought made her blush harder, and she swallowed through a dry mouth at the idea of sucking caramel straight from its thick, heavy source.

"That'd be nice," he smacked his lips, hands roaming her waist and she shuddered when they caressed her sides, his thumbs drawing circles across her skin. "But you taste so good. I'm craving you again." The whine was foul play, and she felt her body clench.

"No, you get one night in my home," she explained, starting the drive. Her bike roared and they sailed out of the cave. Outside, Helios's scent no longer clouded her brain, and she felt the ability to think return to her body. "One bath, one meal, the floor and then you're getting the fuck out of here. No pussy."

It was a shame; he truly was the best lover she'd ever had in her life. And it was a cold world out there with women that would rather crush her into bits than fuck her in the ass. But she couldn't have him and when he got better, she was sure he wouldn't have her.

There was no way he was being serious.

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