Stage 2 Act 1 - First Mission

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3rd Person Pov

Lock: "So what are these things?"

The young man inquired as he looked at he strange tools on the table in front of him.

Sally: "They're Wispons, you don't have a complete grasp of how to use Chaos Control so for the time being you can use these."

Tails: "Plus we don't know if it may give you side effects. The wispon also all have built I'm grappling hooks to help with movement."

Lock: "Neat."

Looking over all the different wispons he stroked his chin for a bit before deciding to choose the red burst wispon.

Lock: "I'll take this one then."

He spun it around a few times before throwing it up and turned to catch it without looking and spun back forward. 

Sally: "You're only renting it don't be throwing about like that."

Lock chuckled a bit while scratching the back of his head. He then brought out the emerald that he had on him, the pulsing red glow stealing everyone's attention immediately.

Lock: "Should I leave this here?"

Sally: "I'd say take it with you, if you get into a dire situation use it to attempt chaos control. Otherwise keep it out of sight."

Nodding his head the young man put the emerald back in his pocket before Sally looked over to the twin tailed fox Mobian.

Sally: "Tails drop Lock and Sonika off at the location."

Tails: "Yes ma'am."

With that Lock and Tails left to get the Blue Blur before Lock then stopped and looked back to Sally and pointed to the wispon.

Lock: "How much am I paying for this per hour?" 

Sally looked up in thought for a moment before looking back to the mechanic then lowered her gaze to between his pants and looked back into his eyes with a smirk. Lock's eyes widened for immediately and dashed after Tails' hoping onto the fox girl's aircraft and take off while the princess chuckled to herself a bit.

Sally: 'Though~'


Lock: "Woah..."

Tails: "Here we are, the Wild Canyon."

As they were flying over Lock couldn't help but admire the view and scenery

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As they were flying over Lock couldn't help but admire the view and scenery.

Sonika: "Seems we aren't the only ones looking."

Pointing downwards the other two saw familiar looking robots from the enemy.

Lock: "Eggma'am."

Tails: "She originally had a base here a while ago, with a rocket to go to the Space Colony Ark."

Lock: "Ah yeah, when she held the planet hostage with that giant space cannon."

During that time Lock was in his penultimate year of high school, so the incident was still quite memorable.

Tails: "After that incident she had abandoned this place."

Sonika: "Doesn't seem so abandoned right now buddy."

Lock: "You think they're after the temple and emerald?"

The girls nodded that it was most definitely the case, Sonika wanting to look cool in front of the mechanic suggested.

Sonika: "I'll go occupy the Eggtits' bots, Lock this is still you're debut mission so go find the emerald."

With that she jumped and homing attacked downwards to the nearest bot upon getting close to the ground destroying it instantly, freeing a critter from in it. Wasting no time Sonika uppercut another one before delivering a spinning kick to it destroying it then running through other badniks. Tails and Lock watched from above as Sonika was going on her rampage.

Lock: "Cool, so where am I getting dropped off?"

Tails: "There should be a good spot around-"

Beep beep!

Tails: "Oh you've got to be kidding me..."

Lock looked to her with concern at her tone of voice before then looking back, seeing flying badniks heading for them. They then began to open fire causing Tails to maneuver around the shots, unintentionally flinging her passenger as well.

Tails: "It's not just Sonika that's been noticed!"

She tried getting the bots off her tail(s) to no avail with them getting shot at to the point that Lock was getting frustrated. 

Lock: "Yeah, nah this ain't changing anything. I'll just jump."

Tails: "WHAT?!"

Before she could even argue against it the human mechanic jumped off of the plane towards the closest chasing badnik, crashing into it and descending to the ground with him atop it.

Tails: "Is he crazy?!"

Meanwhile, Lock holding on as the badnik was descending down in an uncontrolled manner and pulled his goggles down to his eyes to protect them. When the ground began to get closer and closer to him, he took the liberty of punching through the metal into it's circuitry then jumping off before it exploded.

He rolled across the ground a bit before getting up and raising his goggles to his forehead and looking down to his fist before opening it showing a yellow core of some kind. 

Lock: 'Might be useful.'

Looking up he saw that he was obviously at the bottom of the canyon and from a distance away he could see some of the strange totems that he saw near the previous temple.

Lock: "I'm close."

After taking some photos of the markings on said totems he decided to look around for the Gaia Temple itself and consequently the Chaos Emerald. Finding a cave entrance he shrugged his shoulders before putting his goggles on, activating their night vision and began to explore the cavern. 

Outside the Cave

A badnik flew down into the canyon with a mysterious figure riding atop of it. As soon as it got close to the ground they had gently hopped off and turned to face the cavern before beeping was heard.

The figure answered the communicator on their wrist and a small hologram of Eggma'am filing her nails. 

Dr Eggma'am: "Your mission is clear Agent S. Locate the emerald stationed in the buried Gaia Temple and bring it back to me. Failure won't be accepted."

Without so much of a word Agent S turned the communicator off and began walking into the cavern to begin their mission.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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