Chapter 5:Doris

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Doris, a little girl with a bright imagination and a love for friends and animals is unfortunately born into a very difficult family situation. She is abused often, both mentally and physically being neglected as well. This causes Doris to have a very difficult time as her brain is too young to cope with the abuse. The only escape Doris manages to find is by taking pills that help her sleep and dream, which allow her to dream of friends, better parents, and animals that she loves. She hopes that one day she will be able to find peace and love.

What Doris didin't know is that if she take too much pills she can die

Oh gosh, that's something pretty scary to realize for a 6 year old. This would definitely make her think twice before taking these pills, but unfortunately because of the abuse, she may feel like she has no other options.

Doris continues to take these pills, dreaming about having friends, animals, and a new loving family. This gives her some brief relief from the abuse she faces in her day to day life. She continues to take the pills, dreaming more and more often, until one night, she takes too many pills and she never wakes up. This is the tragic story of Doris, a young girl with a vibrant imagination who only needed love and a better family situation to live her best life.

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