"Spell You Later"

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        Welcome to summer at Ever After High; the beginning of a new world for every student, as very few have experienced a break in a long time.

       Even though there are still lessons during summer, they're sparse and aren't as important as, well, the main portion of the school year.

       It had only been a little while since the... "Epic" winter had left the students in confusion of what to do after the Snow King's curse was lifted.

       Fortunately for the students, the cursed winter now flipped the script into a Spelltastic Summer- or at least, most people hoped so.

       The crisp, green leaves started to brown at the edge although none fell off due to the weather remaining warm.

       The students at Ever After High were seemingly ready for the new road ahead, but many were still unprepared even though they were absolutely eager to figure out what was laid for them in the near future.

       Kitty Cheshire, however, wasn't quite ready for the long break. After all, break time wasn't exactly something Kitty would cat-egorize as a good time for pranking. So, Kitty knew she had to get her last prank in before chapterday.

       Chapterday, being Saturday.

       Plastering a huge smile on her face, she let the air take her away in a flurry of sparkles, the wind whisking her to the front of the school up on a tree branch, where she waited for her first victim for her last prank in a while.

       Kitty prepared an invisible string, hanging from the tree branch and ominously waiting for an unsuspecting fairytale to crash into it.

       She hid between the leaves, watching the front doors of the school, patiently sitting to see who the next person to leave the building would be.

       In an instant, the large red doors creaked open, a familiar figure with a pale-gray face and midnight-blue dress walking out. She fluttered her crystal-like, tattered wings, then continued her journey down the stone path towards the village.

       Kitty knew the instant she stepped foot an inch away from the tree who the victim was.

       Faybelle Thorn.

       When Faybelle finally reached the base of the tree, Kitty's plan was set in action. She smirked, pulling the invisible string, causing Faybelle to trip, and wrapping tightly around her wings.

       Faybelle yelped, the green-brown leaves of the tree shuttering and shaking slightly because of the loud noise. She immediately looked up, noticing Kitty in the trees.

       Kitty looked down at her, giggling, then again, plastered a large smile on her face, ready to fade away.

       However, Faybelle acted fast- she instantly pointed her finger at Kitty, flinging her down to the ground and causing Kitty's glitter to vanish, keeping her in human form.

       Faybelle looked at Kitty on the ground and sneered. "Look at what you've done to my wings!"

       Kitty looked up without saying a word. She panted because of the fall, and slowly got up.

       Was Faybelle kidding? Pranking was just Kitty's thing!

       As soon as Kitty was fully up, Faybelle pointed another blast of dark magic at her, making her fall to the ground again.

       "That oughta teach you a lesson." Faybelle crossed her arms.

       Kitty watched as she turned around, looking at her wings pinned to her back, tied together due to the clear thin rope.

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