"The Royally Hexcellent Bet"

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       "Bring it." Kitty declared fiercely.

       Faybelle raised her eyebrow. She was quite surprised, especially since Kitty currently wasn't hexactly in the best conditions. After all, her right knee, or what appeared to be her left to Faybelle, had a huge orange-red splotch dripping with a bunch of stripes down her purple stockings. Her hands seemed like she had just committed murder- and she looked tired as hex.

       But this just made Faybelle's plan all the better.

       While thinking of what the bet should be about, Faybelle recalled a time she had been about to crash a café, when she had overheard Daring form a bet with Sparrow.

       They betted that Daring had to make the next person that walks inside fall in love with him; and that's exactly what Faybelle had in mind now. Only, Kitty didn't really have a chance.

       Faybelle knew that Kitty didn't talk much about romance- and besides, there was no way she was going to get someone to fall in love with her looking like... Well, her current situation.

       Faybelle smirked, ready to address the bet. She was certain she would win, unless someone like C.A. Cupid, who was a hopeless romantic, walked through the door.

       "Here's the bet. You have to make the next person that walks outside the school doors fall in love with you in three weeks." Faybelle said, nodding and pointing to the doors behind Kitty.

       Kitty whisked around to face the door, her smile still not reappearing on her face. She turned back to Faybelle.

       Faybelle couldn't quite tell what Kitty was thinking, although she knew Kitty was nervous- Kitty wasn't really the type to be super sappy. In fact, oftentimes she had been the one to end romantic relationships.

       "Fine," Kitty said abruptly, "it's on."

       "I'll be watching..." Faybelle winked slyly, and was about to flutter away when a sharp pain hit her back.

       Faybelle suddenly remembered that her wing had been broken. By Purple Pigtails. She was fuming, but she held her bitter words in, stalking away to a different tree to spy on Kitty as she waited for the next person who walked through the door.


Author's Note

Sorry for the shorter part in the chapter, but I hope it was interesting to read!


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