Mate of the Sand Chapter 32

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Woof.  Okay, so I am having computer troubles of the weirdest kind.  I can type each letter only once in a row without adding another letter and then backspacing.  I also can only put one space or backspace at a time.  Really, it's the weirdest thing.  It's not even like it's only on the internet either, it's the whole computer.  Weird.  And I just copy and paste-ed this from Unspoken Pasts baecause it pises me off just that much.  It's also the reason this is so short.  So... maybe I'll update midweek too.


The next day, one of the first things I do is cut my hair to my chin.

And then I skin enough snakes to make a coat.

Their skin is perfect for this environment, and the color will help me blend.

I make a smaller one for Amari, who just snuffles and settles back to sleep.

The coat can let my tail out if I want it to, but hides my ears.

Amari has no chance of being recognized, especially with the growth spurt she'll have.

Snakes don't taste bad.

It's kinda like pork and chicken blended together.

We're far enough into the cave that the smoke the small fire puts out doesn't billow out.

Rather than being a cloud, it's more like a thin haze when it drifts out of the cave.

It'll be next to impossible to find, unless K- Shinrai brings them here.

And I don't think he will.

I have taken on the role as his mother, and neko children are very obediant.

He would rather die than disappoint me.

Not that he ever could.

Even if he brought them down on my head, even if I lost Amari, he couldn't disappoint me.

Now I would be very, very upset, but it wouldn't be at him.

He is a five year old, no matter how mature.

Besides, I'll probably end up back there again anyway.

Once Amari is able to protect herself, I'll probably go back.

Her hair will have lightened by then, his hair will be recognizably on her head.

Then he'll have no reason to hurt her.

If I do, I think I'd like to take on a genin team.

Shinrai and that little girl with orange eyes and blue hair.

Naturally, I'll take Amari with me, even if she's not on the team.

There's no way I'd ever leave her alone for more than a few hours at a time.

I hear a loud crash a way from the cave mouth.

Hood pulled up, I take a peak outside.

A man sits beside a broken cart pulled by a donkey, swearing under his breath.

I walk up behind him silently.

He doesn't turn, he's not a ninja.


The man spins, leaping up defensively.

"Do you need some help?"

He frowns slightly.

"Who are you, and what do you want?"

I tilt my head to the side.

"My name is Kyatto-hana. I only asked if I could help."

The man relaxes visably.

"What are you doing out here by yourself?"

I shrug.

"I need to stay out of the Sand for a while. If you ask Temari or Kankuro, they'll tell you."

His eyes narrow.

"It's nothing illegal. But you can't tell them where I am. I'm hiding for personal reasons."

He frowns.

"Personal reasons?"

Yeah, personal reasons, so you should just ask about them, please.

"The father of my child asked me to kill it."

His eyes darken.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

I just met the guy, and he's asking to help me?

What the living, breathing hell?

"If you could come by here whenever you're on the way to Suna, I'll pay you for supplies."

He nods.

"Alright, I will. But for now, help me fix the wagon?"

I do, and he heads off.

Now it's time to lay some traps to warn me incase he does tell anyone where I'm at.

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