Mate of the Sand Chapter 39

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Kay so, she feels really selfish and guilty.  We'll get into that later.  But, anyway, this is the last we're going to see of the Sand for a while.


Amari has spent almost all hours with Gaara.

I think it's adorable that she's so intreagued by him.

It's time for me to go now.

Ko has no idea I've come back, I don't want him to hurt when I leave again.

Nai, Ichiji and On'na know, but they haven't come by to visit me.

It's best not to add another goodbye to how many we've had, it wouldn't be fair to them.

So it's just the five of us, standing in front of the door.

"Temari, I want you to take this. It's got everything she needs inside it. All of her habits, that stuff."

She looks shocked, taking the scroll.

"Woman, what is this? What are you doing?"

I put a hand on her head, smiling, even if she can't see it.

"I know you want to stay here with your father. So you will. Have fun, sweetheart."

And then I stand, putting a hand on the doorknob.

"Temari's your mother figure now. I'll see you later."

I start to open the door, but Temari shouts.

"Wait! What are you doing? You're giving away the person you've given up everything for!"

I wait for the water to leave my eyes before turning and smiling.

"I know. She deserves this chance."

My gaze turns to Amari, whose eyes are completely dry.

"I feel horrible about pushing my children onto you. If I could make it so you didn't have to..."

Then I could get off guilt free.

I turn and walk out the door, making my way to the gate.

My children have both been pushed onto other women.

They shouldn't have to take care of them, it should be my job.

But I'm too afraid to stay here.

Amari needs her father, and Ko needs a stable life.

They get both of those things here.

I should stay here.

I should make a life here, ignoring the sand that terrifies me.

I should take care of my children, instead of getting rid of them.

But they'll be better off without me here.

I drag trouble around by the tail, pulling it with me whether it wants to come or not.

Amari's only a year old, and she's had way to much horrible things in her life.

Ko is six, and he's been a slave for five of those years.

I couldn't add on to that.



I glance at him, eyes widening at the sight of the sand platform he stands on.

"Please, stay. You're hurting all of us by leaving, you're hurting yourself."

Backing up, I trip, eyes rolling back as my hands hit the sand.

"By staying, I hurt myself more."

He walks toward me, placing a hand on my cheek.

"How? How does it hurt you? You're surrounded by people who love you, you can overcome fear."

I shake my head, not looking into his eyes.

"I can't. Seeing it, feeling it, the amount of fear that consumes my body makes my physically sick."

He seems shocked.

"If I stay here, I'll die. I'll hardly eat, and what I do eat will be promptly disposed of."

Gaara's arms wrap around me, picking me up off the ground and setting me on my feet.

"I'll come with you."

I shake my head agian, pulling away from him.

"You can't. You belong in the sand. And the small amount you would take would scare me."

And with that, I turn and run on all four legs, putting as much space between us as possible.

I'm going to the Leaf.

I pay no attention to the passing of night and day, just running until I see the gates.

Then, the fear leaves my bones and the sickness leaves my stomach, and I can breathe deeply.

Shikamaru's there waiting for me, pulling me into a hug, careful not to touch my skin to his.

"Are you alright, Neko?"

I sigh, the stress finally leaving my body.

"Better. I'm alright now."

He pulls away from me, looking me up and down.

"You're not even five foot."

I shrug.

"Four eight, actually. I'm standard size."

He rolls his eyes, his tired personality starting to show again.

"I wasn't really told why you were here, bothersome woman. No word for a year, and you just..."

He gestures to me offhandedly, then to the village.

"Yes well, I had a kid, developed a fear of sand and can no longer live there."

He holds his hands up, eyes opening fully for the first time.

"Whoa, whoa, you had a kid? And you didn't tell us? And now a case of eremikophobia?"

Of course he knows the name of it.

"Well, I've been in hiding. I'd rather not talk about it. But yes, I'm now terrified of sand."

Shikamaru's face relaxes slightly.

"Gaara. What did he do to you? Did he hurt you? Did he... rape you?"

I look at him oddly, before crossing my arms and sending him a look.

"Neither, thank you. Have a little trust in people, hm? No, he gave me a good scare. Leave it."

He sighs, leading the way to his house, where I'll be staying until I get my own home.

"Still, why'd you just leave your kid with him, if he terrified you that much?"

I glance down, grimacing.

"Look, I trust him. I just can't stand sand. This has been the hardest hing I've ever done, drop it."

He snorts, and finally lets me stop talking.

When we get to his house, he opens the door, leading the way inside.

"Both of my parents are out, so we've got the place to ourselves for the moment."

I nod once, my journey only just now catching up with me.

"And you're going straight to bed. Honestly, you should have slept on the way over."

No way.

I've had plenty of sleeping outside for the next thousand years.

I will never, ever sleep outside again, as long as I have any say in it.

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