Part 7: I will not leave you

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Wednesday Pov:

After what Mother said, I fear for Enid's safety. "Baby I'm back" Enid says running up to me, she hugs me tightly and I don't hug her back at first but after a minute I can't stop my arms from wrapping around her. "I have to leave tomorrow" I say breaking our hug, "What do you mean" she asks and I look at her. "Enid, I need to go back to New Jersey with mother until this vision goes away" she looks at me, hurt by my words, "there that bad" she asks and I nod slowly. "I just want one the last day with you before" I say getting cut off by Enid "I'm going with you" she says and I shake my head.

"No" I say and her eyes fill with tears, "Why" she asks me and I sit on my bed quietly. "You need to be safe" I say worrying about her, "one more day" she says as tears fall from her eyes. "One more day" I say nodding. "I think I owe you a date" she says and I look up at her, smiling softly. "what are you asking" I say jokingly "Wednesday Addams, will you go on a date with me" she asks and I nod, "Of course I will" I take her hand and we walk around Jericho for a while. "were are we going" I ask looking at her softly.

Enid Pov:

I'm going to miss her, "What do you want to do" I ask her and she thinks for a minute. "grave digging" she says smirking at me. "I- uh. OK" I say looking at her, "Enid, I'm joking" she says with a small smile plastered on her face, "How about we go to the weathervane" she says and I nod.

We sit in a booth and I order Wednesday her favourite. "Here's your coffee's" Tyler says and I smile taking them off of him. "hey Wednesday" he says before he leaves. "what" she asks with her usual nonchalant voice not even bothering to look up. "I- wanna meet up for dinner sometime" he says rubbing the back of his neck. I'm going to kill him. I glare at him while he looks at Wens, "I have no desire going on a date with you" she replies taking a sip of her coffee.

"why" he asks clearly annoyed. I desperately want to kiss Wednesday so this fucker can disappear. "She said no. did you not hear her" I ask angrily. "Shut up wolf girl, I didn't ask you" he snaps. "Don't talk to her like that or you'll lose your fingers" Wednesday says glaring at him as I do. "you never answered my question" he says standing like the idiot he so clearly is. "Simple. I'm gay".

I look at Wens, smiling brightly at her. "I meant dinner as friends" he says clearly trying to convince her, "Tyler I said no. I suggest you leave before I let my girlfriend here rip you to shreds" She says casually taking another sip of her drink. He rolls his eyes and glares at me before walking away, "You should have let me rip his head off" I say to Wednesday who smirks slightly, "as much as I would love to see that pup, you would feel horrible after you done it" I can feel the blood rushing to my face after she says that.

"Can I try your drink" I ask Wens who nods her head, "of course, can I try yours" she asks back and I nod my head, we swap drinks and I take a sip of Wednesday's. "This is so freaking good" I say smiling, "Yours is. Somewhat nice" Wednesday says taking her coffee back. "wens I don't want to push but can you tell me what you saw in the vision" I ask her nervously. She pauses before speaking.

"You're being hurt in front of me and I can do nothing to help" she says not saying more. "Wens, is that why you're leaving, so I don't get hurt" I ask her and she nods her head, looking at me. "I would rather die the most painfully cruel death than see you hurt" she takes my hand, kissing it softly.

Wednesday Pov:

We get back to the dorm and Enid is being unusually quiet. "Enid" I say hoping to get her attention. She has headphones on but she should have heard me with her wold hearing and all. "Enid" I say slightly louder but nothing. I walk over and tap her shoulder slightly, she looks up confused, taking her headphones off. "Sorry wens, what's up" she says sitting up. "Nothing I just" I pause not wanting to say the words that are about to come out my mouth. "Just what" she asks me curiously. "I want to spend time with you".

Never in my life will she hear those words again. "Awh that's so cute" she says pulling me on her bed. "I have to leave soon" I say as she lies down, I hear a small heart shattering whine come from her. "Can I take your hair out" She asks as I look at thing tapping away, saying something. "Absolutely not" I reply still watching thing.

"Thing. Now is not the time, enough or I'll leave you locked in the drawer for the rest of the year" I threaten making him stop and turn away from us. "Why not wens" Enid asks me and I turn to see her giving me those god forsaken puppy eyes. "your pup eyes don't work on me Enid" I say and she sighs, pulling me on her chest as she lays down. "Stop whining" I say to her and she sighs, "Fine" I say and she smiles brighter than I've ever seen her.

"Thank you" she shouts and I roll my eyes at her before sitting up, "Um no" she says and I look at her confused, "Lay back down" she says and I don't move causing her to pull me back down "Enid if you pull me like that ever again I will rip the heads off of your god forsaken stuffed animals" I say annoyed slightly. "No" she says as she starts taking my braids out and running her hands through my hair, I hate to admit it but it's.... nice I suppose.

Enid Pov:

If there was a way I could stop time. I'd stop it right now. "Wednesday" a voice says from the door, "Hello mother" Wens says not getting up, "we have to go now darling" Morticia says and I kiss wens forehead before she sits up. "Ok" she says standing up and placing her boots on quietly.

"Wat before you go" I say making both wens and her mom turn, "What is it" she asks and I don't answer, I take her hand and pull her towards my chest and kissing her, she kisses me back softly and passionately. "I'll miss you" I say breaking our kiss, "so will I" Wednesday says before walking away, letting go of my hand as she does.

4 hours later:

"Yoko thank you so much" I say hugging her as tightly as I can. "No problem E, now. Go get your girl" she says before I board the flight to New Jersey. Wens has no idea I'm coming but I just can't be without her.

Once I get to the town Wens is staying at, all with the help of thing of course, I sit in my Uber, "where to" The driver asks me "The Addams castle" I say to him and he turns to look at me, "Why there" he asks and I don't answer him. "Just take me, I'm already late" I say to him and he nods hesitantly before driving.

I hand the driver $20 for the ride, before leaving and entering the tall, dark gate leading to the castle, It's so dull here compared to the town 5 minutes away. I walk up the big hill, admiring the scenery before I reach the door, I knock on the door and prey it's not Wens who answers.

"Enid" Morticia says slightly shocked, "hi" I say nervously looking up at her, "Where's Wednesday" I ask and she allows me to enter, "she's over there darling" she whispers pointing to a peacefully sleeping Wens. "She's been talking about you in her sleep" she says looking down at me.

"You can go and see her" she says before walking away. "Enid don't leave me" she cries out, I run over to her, taking her cold hand in my warm one. "I will not leave you. Not now. Not ever, you're stuck with me Addams"

A/N: OK the writers block I have on this story is just not it.

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