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In a mansion,there slept a boy at his early twenties in a king size bed.A large portrait of a couple with the boy stood above.The portrait screamed of wealth,power and their eyes shone with pride and glamour.It was late 9 a.m. and he was still covered with his duvet.A knock was heard at his door but still he didn't dare to open his eyes.His mother came and stood behind him."Rudra,wake up beta it is almost past breakfast time.Your father is demanding your presence at breakfast table.Come soon."He slowly opened his eyes and lovingly stared at his mother."Good morning Mom.Please let me sleep for few more minutes".
"No,your Papa will get angry.Come soon  beta or else don't tell me later that I was not there to shield you from his anger."Lethargically he stood up and walked towards his bathroom to complete his morning routine.
In a large dining hall,a man in his early fifties was reading several business newspapers and was attending calls now and then.He was glancing the large antique clock frequently as he was getting late.Soon anger was engulfing him for his son's tardiness.His wife Lekha was muttering prayers to safeguard their son from his father's wrath.
"Where is your beloved son Lekha?Haven't I mentioned before that I hate being late for office.Today I am having an important meeting and your son hasn't till now graced us with his presence.This is how you have done your upbringing by making him lazy and inefficient.He is the only one who will stain my image in this business world for being such a lethargic lad.I have demanded his presence at breakfast today snd still he is being late.Does he know that my each second is valuable and loosing which it can cause a loss worth of millions."
Rudra was just climbing down the stairs when he heard his father's voice.He could have kept silent if his father has only accused him but could not tolerate the insult of his mother's upbringing.
He soon  took his place in and replied,"Don't worry Mr.Oberoi,you don't have to wait further more to loose millions as I have graced my presence to you Almighty.I am held responsible for being late as I slept late but you cannot and I mean do not further blame my mother for my upbringing.It has been due to her that I am here today or else there are some people around us who cares more for loosing millions than for their family."
"What do you mean to say?"asked Mr.Oberoi.
"I am not a person to beat around the bush,what I meant to say that it is only for Mom that we are sitting together here unlike you who run after money rather spending time with family.Since birth till day there has never been a moment in life where I have spend quality time with my family the known reason is you who have given prior importance to his business than family even when his presence is of utmost importance at exigencies.And today suddenly you remembered that you have family to dine with for which you demanded my presence but have you ever thought how was it even possible for a woman to raise a child all alone even knowing that her husband is alive.All you ever gave importance was to your business and making money.Where were you when I fell from stairs and hurt myself,I was burning with fever and Mom was attending to me,where were you when Mom had burnt her fingers while cooking,where were you when Mom had to attend my PTM all alone?"
His father was numb.In all these years he had never thought of these because he knew his wife would take care of the household.He never felt that to raise a child both parents should equally participate.He just thought of expanding his business so as to give better life to his family but in all this he distanced himself from them.He felt hollow from within at his son's accusation but soon recovered and said,"I have always thought of you both and to provide you both a better future had drifted from you.I regret my behavior and henceforth you will not get an opportunity to blame me but I request you to be punctual and have a good look at your life.I came to know about your doings from people.Your arrogance,tardiness,spoilt nature will not only tarnish my image but your mother's too.If you really care and love her then you should immediately amend your ways so that it doesn't get late and you regret at your deeds like I am now feeling.I thought to ask you to join office so that you can learn the tactics of business because I will be retiring soon and would love spend quality time with my wife which I have lost in past.This is the reason that I asked your mother to bring you at the breakfast table.Anyways goodbye have a nice day and think of my suggestion."Saying this Mr.Oberoi glanced at his wife guiltily and went away for office.
All the servants had heard the heated conversation between father and son but none dare to raise their head.Rudra on the other hand stood up and was ready to leave when his mother requested to have breakfast but he told his mother that his hunger is quenched.Saying this he took his car keys and went away.
Lekha was still sitting at her place and silently praying God to reduce the distance between two souls.She knew both her son and husband were arrogant and stubborn but her husband's behavior had stunned her today.She thanked God that may be her husband has realized his mistake and was hopeful for their better future with love and togetherness but she also prayed God to bring someone into her son's life so that he walks in the right path and becomes the desirable man.She knew her son was short tempered,arrogant and was not in a good company but whenever she tried to talk to him he ignored her and became more stubborn.Lets see whether her prayers will be heard soon  or not....

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