The first meet...

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Rudra was driving his BMW car with rage after a hot interaction with his father.He had turned into a cold hearted billionaire.Though he was always a brilliant student in school and had not to face any financial constraints   but he was deprived from the love and care of his father which had led him attracted to the web of bad companions.He always fought in his college and school which almost earned him detention but was refrained from his mother's request.His father knew all about it but had no time to warn him or guide him as he was busy with his work.This led him to be more stubborn and arrogant.While driving the car he suddenly saw an old beggar who was crossing the road and applied his brakes for which it came to halt but the force of applying the brake was so high that the beggar got few scratches and fell on road while one of rhe car's headlight broke.He shouted while coming out of his car."Didn't you get any other car to die for?You filthy beggar,useless creature who will pay for the damage done?"The beggar on the other hand was bleeding from his head and legs and was weeping for medical attention but his tormentor was furious at him.The incident was noticed by some of the people at the bus stand who were standing in queue to board the bus but none came forward.A girl came forward and helped the beggar and attended to his injuries.She was fuming inside at the arrogant and inhuman behavior of Rudra but felt to face him later because he was less worthy to attend but to be taught a lesson.She took the old man to a side bench and offered him water.She also had bandaged him because of the available kits with her after all she was to become a doctor.On the other hand,Rudra stood their dumbfounded observing the innocence and ethereal beauty of the girl.He felt guilty to yell at the old beggar without any reason and held himself responsible for his injuries but his ego refrained him to apologize to him.He had a turmoil inside and again he cursed his father for mingling with his brain as his anger was directed to the old beggar.The girl who was none other than our Pakhi had now turned towards Rudra to teach him a lesson.
"Excuse me Mr. Whatever!Do you know the traffic norms or are you trying to flaunt your driving skills at the road at this hour?Oh I apologize to ask your  highness about the incident because you may be some rich,spoilt brat who will flaunt his family's wealth and will say that may be this road is owned by him or his family isn't it?I have heard about indecent behavior of rich kids but the indecency and arrogance can be to this level is unimaginable.You yourself drove the car above the speed  limit and hurt the poor uncle but instead of repenting you are such a shameless creature that you are asking money from him.It was you who should have taken care of him and taken him to hospital but instead you used incoherent words against him and accused him who is rather innocent.Do you know you can be put behind bars for your attitude and behavior? It is not he who is an useless creature but it is rather you who is useless because people like you have no morals or worth rather to show off their wealth.By the way if not he but I can repay you for your damage,may I know the cost?"
Rudra heard everything silently because he had never met someone so straightforward and innocent who cares for others before.He smiled inwardly but didn't show off at his face.He arrogantly said,Will a simple,poor girl like you compensate my loss?Because as per my knowledge your status shows that you hardly get a proper meal for the day and you are standing infront of me and lecturing me to compensate my loss.Its better you move away orelse I will lose my temper.I am getting late."
"May be we earn a mere living for us but live a happy contended life unlike you whose life is so unworthy that he has come to spoil the life of others.I shouldn't bother what you think or not think because I will not waste my time of someone unworthy because each second is precious to me."She took out her purse from her bag and handed over 2000Rs over to him.Rudra was stunned at this and just smiled at her innocence.The damage may cost him in multiples of 2000 and she was offering him only Rs.2000.Before he could say or react Pakhi turned away and muttered "Never to meet in future" and went away to the old beggar to know about his well being and offering some help.The old beggar blessed her with his his heart so that she can shine in her future.She smiled warmly at him and offered him Rs.500.Initially the old beggar was reluctant to accept any money from him but later accepted and went away.Pakhi felt satisfied as she could help some needy one with her love and care and went to the queue to board her bus.She was late for college and had few penny left in her purse because the allocated monthly money for her tiffin was already distributed but never she felt remorse at her decision.Her parents had taught her that never bow down to the wrong and always help the needy because God always blesses them who help others.
On the other hand,Rudra stood with a blank face holding Rs.2000 note.He never was humiliated in this way before.The crowd who had gathered to watch the scene had already dispersed throwing hateful glances at Rudra.Slowly Rudra opened his car's door and started it.Within seconds he was away from there but his mind was only at a doe shaped eye timid girl who had dared to raise her voice against him.He felt uneasy but this feeling was neither hate nor love but like towards someone.Gradually this like will turn towards love and will turn Pakhi's life upside down...

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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