blue roses day

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Beads of sweat started to form on Becky's forehead as she tried to balance three cups of coffee in her hands while focusing on not crashing to anyone. It doesn't help that most students just got out from their classrooms for lunch break making the hallway much crowded. Hurriedly, Becky made a quick turn on the corner to avoid any traffic but much to her luck, she collided with someone at the same time.


Becky cursed unintendedly. Quickly, she looked up preparing to utter an apology, but her tongue failed to cooperate with her brain as her eyes leveled with the other person's eyes. Beautiful brown eyes directly looking back at her.

"Freen." That was all Becky managed to say to the woman in front of her. The same woman she had been crushing on for quite a long while now.

Her and Freen had been hanging out with the same circle since their sophomore year. They shared mutual set of friends and spend almost their academic days together. But somehow, for the past two years, the latter hasn't really warmed up to her. It made her feel a little bit insecure and a whole lot jealous. She doesn't understand why the other woman naturally gets along with anybody else but her.

Navigating her feelings towards Freen made her momentarily forget her current situation until the latter took one of the coffees, gently grabbed her elbow and led her towards somewhere her malfunctioning mind cannot comprehend yet.

A few quick turns and they reached one of the restrooms in the floor. Becky's mind finally caught up with what's happening and noticed that her white shirt was apparently ruined from the collision.

Freen placed the coffee she's been holding on the sink and grabbed the remaining cups from her hands to put it away.

"You wait here." And just like that, Freen walked out.

Becky sighed. A little bit frustrated and flustered. This type of situation has eventually been their thing. Little accidents that made her witness Freen's other side. It may not be warmer than she wanted but still, it's the warmest she'll ever get from her.

In just few minutes, Freen came back with a shirt in her hand.

"Wear this." Freen spoke while extending what seemed to be her varsity shirt.

Freen is a soccer varsity player. Not to mention, a captain at that. And the thought of wearing Freen's varsity shirt made Becky's heart gone haywire. It's as if being alone with her crush inside a small room was not enough to do somersault in her already wildly beating heart.

"You're spacing out again." Freen spoke again which brought back Becky to the present.

"Oh! Uhm. Sorry!" Becky reached for the shirt and ran right away to the nearest cubicle. She was frantically patting her obviously blushing cheeks while internally scolding herself for not even thanking Freen before getting inside.

It took her a few minutes to change and calm her heart before getting out from the cubicle expecting Freen left already. But much to her surprise, the latter was still there. She figured she spaced out again because Freen already walked towards the sink and grabbed two cups of coffee that she completely forgotten were there.

"Are these for Nam and Irin?" Freen asked which she just nodded in response.

"Okay. Let's go."


The rest of day went in a blur – as far as Becky was concerned. She wasn't able to completely pay attention to anything other than her interaction with Freen earlier. Just like now, she was completely unaware that her feet already led her to the same restroom Freen and her went earlier. As she was about to push the door that was slightly open, she heard a familiar voice that completely stopped her.

FreenBecky (one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now