" Her Terrifying Renegade Pearl "

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(All art is not mine)

I wondered around Beach city, marvelling at the amazing shoreline, the sand tickling my feet. Suddenly i feel a rock beneath me, and hit the ground with a thud. "Ouch!" I wince as I look at my leg. Jeez. a bad cut has split on my leg, blood seeping out , dropping onto the soft sand. I thought I should get a bandage or something, when a glowing figure approaches me. 

The legendary Rose Quartz, followed by Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl. Rose holds her hand out to me and asks "Are you alright?" she smiles. I take her hand, amazed by the sight I was seeing. Rose Quartz, in person! and Garnet, Amethyst, and a jealous looking pearl. I stand up, feeling a bit shaky, and try to compose myself. I can't believe I'm standing in front of the Crystal Gems - the protectors of Beach City. "I'm fine," I manage to say. "Just a little accident."

Rose Quartz looks at my leg, concern etched on her face. "Let us help you," she says, and the other Gems nod in agreement.As they examine my wound, I can't help but notice how magnificent they are. Rose Quartz's hair is like a waterfall of pink, and her smile is so comforting. Garnet's visor glows bright ruby red, and Amethyst's hair is wild and purple, and her eyes are mischievous and playful. And Pearl... Pearl is so graceful and elegant, with her slender figure and her pointed nose.

Rose heals my wound with her healing powers and I find myself blushing, pearl glaring at me.I can't help but feel drawn to Rose's kindness and beauty. As she finishes healing my injury, I thank her and the other Gems for their help."Is there anything else we can do for you?" Rose asks with a gentle smile.I hesitate for a moment before speaking, feeling nervous but also curious. "Well, actually...I've always wondered what it would be like to be a Crystal Gem."The Gems exchange a look, and I can tell they're considering my request. Finally, Rose steps forward and takes my hand. "If you truly wish to join us, we would be honored to have you fight by our side," she says with a warm smile.I feel my heart race with excitement as I imagine joining the Crystal Gems in their fight against evil. I nod eagerly, and the Gems welcome me with open arms.

As we walk along the beach, I feel a sense of belonging that I've never experienced before. With Rose by my side, I feel like anything is possible. Garnet was always super supportive, Amethyst is fun to have around and Pearl..I feel like Pearl hates me.I try to shake the feeling off as Rose tugs at my hand, pulling me towards the water. The waves crash against our feet, the cool water providing some relief from the hot sun. We laugh and splash each other, enjoying the moment.As we make our way back to our towels, I catch Pearl giving me a cold stare. I feel my stomach drop, the feeling of unease returning. I can't help but wonder what I did wrong.

But I push those thoughts aside as Rose lays down on the towel, patting the spot next to her. I lay down, feeling her warmth next to me. It's moments like these where I feel like everything is okay.

But as the day goes on, I can't shake the feeling of Pearl's animosity towards me. It's like she's just waiting for me to mess up.Later that night, as we all sit around the bonfire, Pearl's cold demeanour towards me is more apparent than ever. I catch her glares and snide remarks, making me feel small and insignificant. I try to brush it off and focus on the warmth of the flames, but it's hard to ignore the tension.As the night wears on, most of our friends start to retire to their tents. Pearl, Rose, and I are some of the last ones up, still sitting close to the fire. I can feel Pearl's eyes on me, and I finally can't take it anymore.

"What's your problem with me, Pearl?" I blurt out, the words coming out harsher than I intended. Pearl's eyes narrow, and she stands up, towering over me. "You really have no idea, do you?" Rose tries to intervene, but Pearl turns to her, sending her a warning glare. "Rose, please stay out of this. "I swallow hard and stand up, facing Pearl head-on. "Tell me.""You're always around, trying to get close to us. You act like we're best friends or something," Pearl spits out, her tone laced with venom. "But you don't understand the weight of our responsibility. You don't know what it's like to be a Crystal Gem."I feel a lump form in my throat, and I try to keep my voice steady. "I understand that you guys are fighting against evil, and I want to help."Pearl scoffs. "Help? You're just a liability. You don't have any special powers like we do. You'll just get in the way."I feel tears prick at the corners of my eyes, hurt by Pearl's words. I had looked up to her, admired her grace and elegance. But now all I see is cruelty and disdain. Rose steps forward, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Pearl, that's enough. We don't treat our allies like this."

Pearl rolls her eyes. "Allies? More like a nuisance."With that, she storms off into the night, leaving Rose and I alone by the fire.

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