" I Love you "

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I feel the tears finally spill down my cheeks as Rose pulls me into a comforting embrace. "I'm sorry about Pearl," she whispers.I nod, trying to compose myself. But the hurt and rejection still lingers, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.As we make our way back to the temple, I can't help but wonder if I made a mistake in joining the Crystal Gems. Maybe I was just a burden to them, a hindrance in their fight against evil.But as Rose tucks me into my sleeping bag and gives me a soft kiss on the forehead, I feel a sense of comfort and safety. Maybe it wasn't all for nothing. Maybe I can still be a part of something greater than myself.I close my eyes, feeling the gentle sway of the waves in the distance. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I belong somewhere.  Wait, Jeez, why am I blushing? Crap, I can feel my cheeks heat up as Rose's kiss lingers on my forehead. I try to push the thoughts out of my mind, reminding myself that Rose is just being kind and welcoming. But as I drift off to sleep, the image of Rose's smile and kind eyes stays with me.

The next day, as we continue our training, Pearl's harsh words still weigh heavily on my mind. But I try to push through the hurt and focus on my mission - to help the Crystal Gems in any way possible.As we spar, I feel myself improving, gaining more confidence in my abilities. Garnet gives me a nod of approval, and Amethyst flashes me a playful grin, making me feel like I'm part of the team.But as we take a break, I catch Pearl's cold stare once again. I try to ignore it, but it's hard not to feel self-conscious under her judgmental gaze."Hey, don't worry about Pearl," Amethyst whispers to me, sensing my discomfort. "She's just....being Pearl" I chuckle weakly, making amethysts cheeky grin grow wider. I nod, grateful for Amethyst's words of comfort. But deep down, I still can't shake off the feeling of being unwanted by Pearl.

Later that night I saw Pearl with Rose, they were dancing to a slow dance, Pearl turns around and a small mischievous grin spreads across her face. I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy as I watch the two of them dance together. It's like they have a connection that I will never understand. Maybe that's how Pearl felt? As soon as I realised that, I thought, maybe I really was just in the way.

But as the night wears on and the fire starts to die down, Rose approaches me with a smile. "Would you like to dance?"My heart races at the thought of dancing with Rose Quartz. I nod eagerly, and she takes my hand, leading me to the centre of the campfire.As we sway to the music, I feel a warmth spread throughout my body. Rose's touch is gentle yet firm, guiding me in the dance. I feel like I'm floating on air, lost in the moment.But as the song comes to an end, I feel a sense of sadness wash over me. I don't want this moment to end.Rose must have sensed my thoughts because she pulls me into a tight embrace. "You belong here with us," she whispers in my ear. "Don't let anyone tell you different." She held me by the waist and my face was turning pink quickly. 

I felt so lost in the moment that I leaned forward and kissed her. The moment felt like it lasted for hours, even though it was only a few seconds.

We pulled away from the kiss, Rose had stars in her eyes, and I felt like I did too. She pulled me into a tight embrace, whispering "I love you" as we hugged. As I looked behind me, I saw Pearl wasn't by the hand statue anymore. But I didn't care, I closed my eyes and whispered "I love you too".

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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