Prologue :: Marcus Zhang

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The world is a complex place. There are things that exist beyond the comprehension of mere mortals. Things that lurk in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Things that, for most people, only exist in myths and legends.

But for Marcus Zhang, the world was even more complex. He was a demigod, a child of Mars, the Roman god of war. He was also an Alliance Marine, the son of a mother who died during the first contact war. He lived with his step father until the age of 12 when he ran away from home. He would make his way south until he come upon a broken house with a large wolf there.

Her name, Lupa. Lupa was no ordinary wolf. She was a goddess in disguise, tasked with finding and training the demigods of Rome. She saw something special in Marcus, and took him under her wing, training him in the ways of combat and survival. Once he proved himself to her, she sent him to the legion and new rome.

Marcus spent ten years in the Legion, fighting alongside his fellow demigods and defending New Rome from monsters and other threats. He rose through the ranks, becoming a centurion in the 5th cohort, known for their bravery and skill in battle.

But as he grew older, Marcus began to wonder about the world beyond the borders of New Rome. He knew that there were other demigods out there, and he yearned to discover more about his own heritage and the gods and monsters that existed in the world. However, he also knew that revealing his identity as a demigod to the mortals of the Alliance could lead to persecution or even danger.

Despite his reservations, Marcus decided to leave the safety of New Rome and join the Alliance Marines. He knew that it would be a difficult journey, but he was determined to honor his mother's legacy as a soldier and help defend the Alliance's place in the galaxy.

Thanks to Alex, a fellow son of Mars in the Marines, Marcus learned how to hide his heritage. Alex taught Marcus how to blend in with the humans, to control his powers and to never reveal his true identity to anyone who didn't know about the gods and monsters. Marcus quickly rose through the ranks of the Alliance, thanks to his years of training in the legion, and his impressive combat skills.

However, Marcus soon found that balancing his loyalty to both the demigod and human's was not easy. He struggled with trust issues, especially with humans who didn't know about his demigod heritage, and found it difficult to make friends outside of the Alliance.

Despite these challenges, Marcus remained committed to his goals. He wanted to discover more about his demigod heritage, to honor his mother's legacy, and to make a difference in the Alliance. Little did he know, however, that his journey would take him beyond the Alliance, into the large expanse of the universe, where the gods and monsters were not the only dangers out there.

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